Author Topic: Help  (Read 1070 times)

Offline Mesa

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I did a post under compression garments and my post did not show the Dr.'s name just "removed Dr." What does that mean? Is he not a recommended Doctor?

Offline Paa_Paw

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I don't recall the name of the Doctor involved, and the problem had nothing to do with his qualifications.

The problem was that a Doctor had essentially spammed the site with endorsements of his work.

The thing is that while the site is now owned by a Surgeon and several surgeons are featured here and they contribute free counsel on the site; This site is not about the surgeons but the men who come here for help.

Another Surgeon who has had his addrss here closed is Dr Bermant. His name is still used but it does not really matter as he has retired.

Do not attach too much importance to the fact that his name will not come up here.

Grandpa Dan


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