Author Topic: Marijuana after surgery  (Read 2116 times)

Offline puffysucks

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      I had surgery about 3 and a half weeks ago and had a question on marijuana use post surgery. So after surgery I've been smoking a little bit here and there with friends and at home sometimes and was wondering if in such a short period of moderate use breast tissue could regrow. At day 7 my chest was really flat and by day 9 or 10 my nipples started to get puffy again, it feels different than before the surgery though, almost like the area is hollow but filled with fluid. The right nipple is more puffy than the left however, which made me question if marijuana could be doing it or if it's just normal post surgery swelling. The puffiness tends to ebb and flow at different times as well.
      I haven't been enjoying smoking recently because of the paranoia floating around the internet about it being a major cause, so I've decided to abstain for the time being. However I would like to know if it's irrational to even slightly believe that breast tissue could regrow that quickly. I smoked a lot when growing up and never had gynecomastia until I started getting into bodybuilding and taking over the counter testosterone boosters. So basically, I'm just looking for reassurance that I didn't screw myself over and what is happening with the puffiness is more than likely normal post op swelling.

Offline puffysucks

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I should also note that when my gynecomastia occurred my test levels were in the gutter due to my natural production being shut down from the supplements. Since then they have been good, I went to my doctor and had my test levels checked out of curiosity after smoking a little for a week and the doctor called back and said they were too high, however I didn't get a number and I'm not concerned it will aromatize since I'm 22 and a bodybuilder so my test should be higher than average. Also I haven't been taking anything to cause them to go up. Thanks for any replies.

Offline Litlriki

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While marijuana is attributed to be causal for gynecomastia, I have long been somewhat skeptical of a close causal relationship based on 20 years of gynecomastia patients--few have ever attributed their condition to smoking marijuana.  There is some evidence that it may decrease testosterone levels, but whether or not the effect is adequate to cause gynecomastia is not so clear.  Additionally, some review of literature is suggestive that the causal relationship gained popularity during an era of "anti-reefer madness," when marijuana use was attributed as a cause of many problems.  That said, I am not recommending that you use marijuana.  I would say, however, that the observations you've made of your post-operative results are more suggestive of post-operative swelling, or possibly a small fluid collection, rather than early re-growth, particularly related to limited marijuana use . You should consult with your surgeon to be sure there isn't a seroma (fluid collection), and otherwise, have patience to allow for the swelling to subside. 

Rick Silverman
Dr. Silverman, M.D.
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
29 Crafts Street
Suite 370
Newton, MA 02458

Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery


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