Author Topic: best compression garment  (Read 3254 times)

Offline joe97

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what would be the most suitable chest flattening garment, that isnt a sports bra? I play a fair bit of sports so one that does not make me very hot/sweaty would be good. And also one that would last for a good amount of time without losing it's stretch.

Offline jay adams

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Check out Underworks on Amazon.

Offline joe97

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that's what I have been looking at, which one do you think would last longer, and which one do you think would be cooler/ more breathable

Underworks Mens Ultra Light Cotton Spandex Compression Tank


Underworks Mens Microfiber Compression Tank


Offline jay adams

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I own the microfiber. I still wear it after surgery. It keeps the contours nice but you'll sweat. I havent tried the cotton one but I think I'll order it this week to check it out.

I would try them both. If you're into sports and have a social life you'll need a couple anyway. The microfiber is prob a little tougher and holds the chest down better. But for hanging out I'd imagine the cotton would be nice for socializing.

Good luck

Offline joe97

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oh right ok, does the sweat feel nasty when your wearing it? is it really bad sweat? thanks.

Offline jay adams

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Not that bad. We don't have a lot of choices when it comes to gynecomastia. I couldn't go without my compression. I still work out with compression on for swelling reasons. But pre surgery it was for concealing at the gym and what not.

The cool thing is that the underworks shirts are long. You can tuck 'em in and not worry about them sliding up your hips. That's the worst when you have to keep pulling it down all day.

Offline joe97

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yeah i understand, a bit of sweat is better than gyno if you get me, I was just worried that it was a load of sweat, sorry to ask to many questions, but how tall are you and what size did you order? Im 5'11 and thinking of medium.
Thank you so much for all the help.

Offline jay adams

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Im 5'11". I ordered the large but I weigh 195. My chest measurement after surgery was 42". Use the sizing chart they have and measure your chest.

You'll love just going to the store with it on. It frees up your sub conscious a lot. Before having one I'd hurry through the checkout line nervous someone would notice. After wearing one I became confident and social.

It'll give you a taste of what you'll feel like after you have your surgery one day. If you choose to go that route.

Offline joe97

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oh right ok thanks. And i'm hoping seen as im only just 16 it might clear up on it's own, im really starting to doubt it though.

Offline jay adams

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It could. Go see your doctor and have your estrogen levels checked. Have your testosterone checked too. If you can get those in balance the outcome will be best.

Just take the time to read about things that can raise your estrogen levels. Certain things can be avoided but talking with your doc should be the first step.

Offline joe97

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Already talked to the doctor, and he just said ' it'll sort itself out '. I've talked to my mom about it aswell, and she dismisses it saying there's nothing there. My plan is to basically get a nicer body, im not at all overweight but I don't have a six pack etc, so I thought, if I work on my body then she can't say 'there's nothing there'. Also fitness/working out increases testosterone levels so hoepfully it will have a good effect.

Offline craftspace234

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Hey guys, I see what you are talking about on amazon, but they seem pretty expensive.

$30-$50 bucks per tanktop...


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