Author Topic: Gyne Surgery - Mr. Levick 29/05/13 (before & after pics)  (Read 2269 times)

Offline boarder.2k9

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So I had gyne since I can remember, I was overweight as a child and remember having it since forever. I tried all the usual; diet and working out etc but none of it made my chest any better. Realised I had gyne at about 16 and unfortunately found out surgery was the only option. I am now 22 and have just finished my first year as a teacher so financially surgery became viable. I searched around and read plenty of positives about Mr. Levick in Birmingham so decided he is the best option. 3 weeks later I had the surgery.

Here is the picture Mr. Levick took after the surgery, the white stuff floating is the fat removed and the stuff laying on my chest is the gland.

The dressing came off 7 days after the operation (yesterday) and here are the results so far:

I am now wearing my compression vest. I literally can't believe the difference, so happy with the results. I know recovery (from reading threads here) is up and down but I am very pleased so far.

The surgery cost £3805 including everything. I have been taking arnica 200c and Bromelain 2400mg to help with the swelling and bruising, however, I have stopped the Bromelain as I developed asthma like symptoms so presume I am allergic.

If you want any more info just let me know. I just wanted to share my story.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2013, 04:12:19 AM by boarder.2k9 »

Offline elba

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thanks for sharing! looks great!!! hope mine turns out like yours. how long did you have to take off work?

Offline boarder.2k9

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Thanks mate, still in shock at the difference! Today is day 11 and I go back to work tomorrow. However, it is still slightly painful to pick things up and to get up from laying down. I wouldn't be going back if I had to do any sort of lifting. I can still also only lift my arms about a third of the way up.

Offline flatterchest

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Congratulations, mate! The results look perfect! Now you just need to concentrate on recovering and you'll be able to start enjoying having a flatter chest!

Offline boarder.2k9

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Update, Day 18.

Pain has pretty much gone now, It is still tight if I stretch my arms out and I can't extend my arms properly above my head yet but movement is improving every day. The scars are coming along nicely:

The chest itself is almost entirely coming hard now, I presume this is the scar tissue. I am massaging gently once a day in the hope to reduce this build up - this is tender though so I am gentle. The right side is slightly more swollen but I assume this will come down over time (I can feel a hard lump in that section so I will try to massage it away).

I returned to work on day 12, the first day was hard work and I felt like it was too soon. However, each day got a lot easier and now it is not a problem. I have had the odd shooting pain as expected, this is mainly in my left side.

The best reaction when returning to work was everyone else's reaction. Everybody thought I had lost loads of weight and looked brilliant as I have been wearing a relatively slim fitting shirt this week (where I always hid behind a baggy jumper before). Has been amazing, such a confidence boost.

If anyone is considering the surgery, know that it is 100% worth it!  
« Last Edit: June 17, 2013, 02:36:45 PM by boarder.2k9 »


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