Author Topic: 19 year old with gyno, please tell me the difference between lipo and incision  (Read 8151 times)

Offline jason_w

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thanks man i hope so! i got just a doctor appt july 11th, takes long enough to get in with him haha, hoping he knows his stuff and refers me somewheres good and whatnot, if not i'll tell him where i'd like to go, curious to see whether or not he says ohip will cover it

yeah i wasn't sure if i had gyno or not for a while, i see most before and after pictures, and some guys just had legit boobs, there nipples weren't puffy like mine at all, it was just like a girls breast, i thought it was just fat, i thought gyno was just puffy nipples,

btw is it an easier procedure or anything if you're not overweight? just wondering, thanks again for the excellent info

Offline jay adams

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Its just an easy procedure no matter what. Like I've said before "I've had worse hangovers".lol

Offline jason_w

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thanks man il keep you up to date on how everything goes! seeing as im not even in at my doctors yet, i'm guessing i won't have it done for like a year though, like i said i was excited that ohip covered it and wanted to research!
thank you

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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    • Gynecomastia Surgery
Thanks for the photo.  Yes, definitely puffy nipples, which means you have solid breast tissue directly beneath the areola.  There may even be some additional tissue extending beyond the confines of the areola, but only a physical exam by a surgeon can decide this.

Some surgeons will try to do this operation under local with excision only.  Big mistake!  If only excision is done, the skin will have nowhere to go and will then develop scar tissue beneath it and resemble the original puffy nipples.

These conditions usually require excision and then re-distribution of the surrounding skin so that the areola can settle down.  Often this is done with liposuction instruments, sometimes without suction being applied.

Good luck -- and make sure your surgeon has experience in just this type of gyne.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline jason_w

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darnit! thanks doctor

here in canada they only cover the gland removal so i thought i could get away with that, but i guess it would be better to just pay the grand or two and get lipo and get it done properly the first time!

Offline LWS

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Hey Brysonlee,

I am a 24 y/o Ontario resident, I hope I can clear up a few issues you have regarding OHIP/Gyne. A lot of the confusion is from changes in Gyne coverage in the last 2 decades in Ontario.

Regarding OHIP:

*Gland Removal is covered

*Lipo (which is sometimes needed to flatten and contour the pec) is not

Things that can affect your price:

General Anesthesia vs Local Anesthesia (local makes it cheaper)

How much Lipo they expect you need.

The severity of your Gyne.

Answers to questions you had:

Referrals: Yes you can request a referral from your Family Doctor to a specific Plastic Surgeon, the referral allows your MD and your Surgeons offices to exchange information.

Cratering: Cratering happens when too much of the gland is removed, an experienced Surgeon is essential in this regard. Avoid run of the mill Plastic surgeons who do many procedures, find a Surgeon who specializes in Gyne, some have done hundreds if not thousands of cases, and their experience will mitigate chances of cratering.

Pec shape: Gyne surgery removes just breast tissue and does not affect the underlying muscle. Overall pectoral shape will improve, puffy nipple, aerola size, and female like breast tissue, but the muscle will not be affected.

"referal will probably take a good 5 months, + another year after surgury probably for it to look normal at all."
This statement is not exactly true, I got my referral immediately after my Doctors visit, I had a consultation with a great Surgeon 2 weeks later, and scheduled for surgery 4 weeks after that. In total from my decision to bring it to my Doctors attention to surgery date, 8 weeks.

It would help if you go in, knowing the Surgeon you want the referral to, and booking a consultation ASAP. (I booked my OHIP covered consult before I had my referral TBH)

Most guys can be back working out in as little as 6 weeks, while the healing process is still happening, consult your surgeon for whats right for you.

The Good: After looking at your picture, your Gyne is in the mild range, Incision will be necessary but will fix any nipple/aerola issue. You likely don't need general anesthesia, or much lipo. OHIP covered my consult with my surgeon, Dr. Fielding.

The Bad: With OHIP coverage, and assuming your insurance doesn't cover it, you will be looking at a price range of 800-2800$ CAD (im leaning towards the 800$ side of the spectrum because i have a much more severe case with the need for general anesthesia, and a decent amount of lipo, longer surgery and my surgery is 2800$)

Anyways, my surgery is on July 3rd, my Surgeon is Dr. Craig Fielding, Chief of Plastic Surgery at St Joseph’s Hospital in Toronto, he does community based plastic surgery out of St. Joseph's and has an extensive knowledge of Gyne, and has done thousands of these procedures. He's one of the best in the country, if your looking for the procedure through OHIP he's the man!

Dr. Craig Fielding
Telephone: (416) 766-8890

Offline jason_w

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thanks so much for taking the time to right all that! i'm thinking about going to him too, i heard good things, i'll see what my doctor says, i went over some of the risks, my mom is always worried and said there's always risks with surgery

but, i can't live with this anyways, so it's really my only shot, thanks a lot man, good information

Offline LWS

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The risk reward with Gyne surgery is very good, I'm 24, and wish I had got it done at your age or younger could of saved myself some embarrassment.

Anyways Mom's are cautious by nature, generally they love you and see no problem even if you had a third boob right in the middle of your forehead.

Either way the consultation is covered by OHIP through Fielding, unlike at private clinic plastic surgeons, so setting one up, meeting with him and getting information and an estimate is a good first step. (You have to bring your health card though!)

The way it happened for me, set up an appt. with my Family Doctor, explained the issue with my chest, he recommended the surgery. While waiting for a referral from him, I booked a consultation with Dr. Fielding, by the time my Family Dr. got a referral and called me I said I'd like a referral with Dr. Fielding as well, went to meet Dr. Fielding, knew it was the right choice, cancelled the out of pocket consult with the local general Plastic Surgeon.

Offline jason_w

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thanks again buddy, i hope yours goes well

haha that sounds like my mom, i had to start swearing and i told her i can't even wear a shirt without my nipples poitnign through, and finally she said if it makes you that unhappy, of course get something done

i have my normal family doctor appt on the 11th, so it's good to know that i know where i want to go

going to have to find some way around it though, didn't want my brother to have to drive me or know i even had this problem haha.. my mom hates highways and never drives on them and i can't drive myself :(

im going to see what he says, but i' dont think he knows that much, because the first time i went to him for this i told him i think its "gynecomastia"

and when he tried to search that word he spelt it so wrong, i'll let you guys know though

im happy i found this website and you guys because honestly, i stopped working out and everything, but now im working out and trying my hardest to improve my body still because even if there's a 50 percent chance to get rid of this, i'm down

guess i got a bit more self esteem, before i was like im stuck with this anyways, my body sucks because of it so i may as well stop working out

thanks again guys, im surprised you got in so fast!

i'd have to go with general i think over local

i couldn't be awake and watching them do that to me, i'd throw up haha


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