Author Topic: if surgery is done perfectly correct..  (Read 2220 times)

Offline jason_w

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will your nipples/breasts ever look normal? honestly

it sucks enough that you get f-ked with this stupid problem in the first place

and after reading around, and seeing how there are more posts in the

"revision" surgery forum topic

over the

"success" surgery forum topic

it makes me really wonder, it'll never look that normal once you have this shit, will it

like 1000 threads in there and 200 in the success topics, lol.

like honestly, i deal with depression sadly and i hate the way i look as it is, (face and stuff)

my last choice was to get a nice body, because having a nice body usually makes up for an ugly face haha, but it seems like im even screwed for that, i hate how i get the stupidest conditions possible.

Offline LWS

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Yes your nipples and breasts can look perfectly normal. (having seen your specific situation, you are a good candidate for a great outcome)

Yes, their are quite a many revision surgery topics, while researching it myself, some Doctors have anecdotal reports of 10%-30% of their cases are of revisions. To understand why, its good to consider:

Some folks went to Doctors who did not specialize in Gyne, without the experience and know how, their patients results suffered. (Anecdotal: Only had lipo, no excision, or only had excision no lipo, treated their Gyne like a female "boob job", Botched incision marks, Multi staged treatments) Suffice to say a lot of room for error for someone who does not specialize in Gyne.

Also: Some patients judge results too early and do not give proper time to heal, people who are unhappy with a result will tend to post much more then a happy result, a level of mental healing needs to take place, body dis-morphia or perfectionism.

Depression/mood disorders seem to go hand in hand with Gyne, it can affect self esteem, bringing this up with your Doctor and acknowledging this is the first step to mental healing.

Try not to obsess with other folks results and get a consult, ask all the questions you asked here.

(you may want to post the picture you had in the previous thread here for increased responses)

« Last Edit: July 02, 2013, 10:29:08 PM by LWS »

Offline jason_w

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thanks man, its so fking stressful, i hate it, like in the mirror i don't look good, when i flex i think my body will make me a less ugly person, i just need to get rid of this gyno, thanks again

i guess the first step would be giving the surgery a go, some of the pictures even 1 week after the surgery looks amazing to me, i've seen some posts, the nipples are completely flat, im worried about scar tissue though,

knowing me , it's just going to come back anyways, i swear to god i get every single condition that can affect self esteem in the world, i know people who work out and abuse steroids and they dont get this at all

i work out naturally and i get this stuff during puberty, lifes just not fair, now i'm just like venting haha so i should stop

but honestly, if i don't get this soon its at the point where i might just start doing steroids (never did yet) if im stuck with this anyways i might as well get as big as possible

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

  • Elliot W. Jacobs, MD, FACS
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    • Gynecomastia Surgery
will your nipples/breasts ever look normal? honestly

Yes, your chest and nipples can look normal -- and with virtually no scars!  This requires very careful research to find an experienced gyne surgeon in your area.  Too often people choose a surgeon based upon the fact that they can have the surgery covered by insurance or within their insurance plan -- the choice of the surgeon then becomes secondary in these circumstances. 

I have done thousands of gyne operations -- none of them is easy -- no two are alike -- and they all pose certain challenges.  The more I do, the more I realize how difficult it is to obtain consistently excellent results.  One needs an experienced surgeon, one need's to follow the surgeon's post op instructions precisely and finally, one has to have a little lucky boost from Mother Nature (which is beyond the control of the surgeon or the patient).  When all of those factors work out, one can end up with a taut, contoured, normal-looking masculine chest with virtually no detectable scars.

Do your homework and find the best surgeon you can.  Then go for it!

Dr Jacobs

Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline jason_w

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thanks dr, i didn't word that very good, i didn't even mean completely normal, i just meant gland removed without a build of scar tissue and such, i don't care about scars or anything as long as my nipples won't stick through my shirts, like when i bench press and workout and stuff, as long as they're flat that would be insane, ive been doing my research, !  on doctors


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