Author Topic: Surgery with Dr. Karidis - post op update  (Read 4689 times)

Offline readytogo

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Re: Surgery with Dr. Karidis - post op update
As an update I'm now just over 3 weeks and progressing well. All the bruising has pretty much gone, although I'm left with a bit of yellowing on my right pec area. I've got scar tissue just under my right pec which has been there since day 1, which I guess is because of having to have that area treated 3 times. Also I've got a tiny bit on my left so I started massaging lightly using the bio oil about a week ago. Its early days but I think it has already helped as the pec line seems to be taking on a more normal shape and the lumps seem to be reducing in size. On the upside the incision sites are healing really well and now under the arms its difficult to see the entry points for the lipo. Under the nipple these are minimal too although up close they look a little sunken but from he information they give you I believe this is common and they "fill out" overtime. Thanks to this forum I was already prepared for all of this and have taken the long term view on the whole healing process.

As for the gym I've started back, and have been able to do a very light arms and back workout (approx 60%). No chest or shoulders yet though as raising my arms straight up over head still feels very tight across the chest. However, over the last week the flexibility and range of movement have increased considerably.

As for the compression vest, I haven't found this to be much of a problem. I wore it for 2 weeks solid just taking it off for showers. I'm now taking it off to sleep at night but wearing it during the day. Also to note it goes under an office shirt fine without noticing (wearing a cream / skin coloured one). I've only got 1 more week of it but to be honest its being quite bearable.

I'm booked in to see Dr. Karidis next week as  he was keen to see me after 4 weeks to ensure everything was progressing, so I will report back then, but hopefully this will give others an idea on what to expect regarding rehab after the op. But generally all on the up!  :)

Offline sjwsjw

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Re: Surgery with Dr. Karidis - post op update
Congrats mate.

The bio oil is magic. I spent about 20mins a night with that stuff and it really does help. Does tend to give you a spotty chest while you're still wearing the vest but it's worth it :)

Take it easy at the gym  :P

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Re: Surgery with Dr. Karidis - post op update
Thanks sjwsjw. Yes topped on 200 ml of the bio oil and agree its great to massage and good for the scars too! Although I probably need to ease back on the massage (doing it x 3 a day) as I've got a little bit sore around the nipple area so I will have a day or two off. If it hurts ease back - its your body telling you its still healing!

So its been 1 month now, and the vest is off for good! I've also today just been to see Dr. Karidis, who was (like myself) very pleased with the progress and confirmed that despite the complication there has been no adverse affects whatsoever. The scars are healing really well and hardly noticeable. He also confirmed that the sunken look of the incision under the nipple will fill out over time. (To note I had 100ml lipo from each side and 12g of gland from the right and 7g from the left).

The scar tissue is normal and expected that it will get smaller over time and perhaps up to 6 months to go but the massage will definitely help. He also advised I can start chest work in the gym but very slowly and carefully. He also said training the chest area will act as a massage too! I guess this is because of the extra blood flow to the area. I'm booked again for another review in 4 months time - Mid March, so hopefully by then I will have the finished look!  :)

So that's all from me now, I hope my post has proved useful, I'm very happy with the results so far.

All the best to everyone out there who's considering or booked in for their procedure. For me personally this was the right time to do it and I think you will know yourself too, but hopefully with all the information from the forum it will arm you with the confidence to go for it! All the best.  :)

Offline sjwsjw

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Re: Surgery with Dr. Karidis - post op update
Sounds good  8)


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