Author Topic: gyno surgery while on steroids/how long?  (Read 3564 times)

Offline that_guy12

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i'm on a cycle of testosterone and another drug, not sure if people here will know what they are so i won't post, but basically i've had gyno since i was 13, it hasn't gotten wore or better, two years ago i started steroids and finally decided to get rid of this problem because its ruining my physique,

i hate my body because of it, but i actually have a nice body, its just gyno ruining itt.

basically, steroids hasn't made it worse, or better (letrozole or nolva)

i run ai's and keep my estroger/prolactin levels even, so it never got worse, usually it would get sore if its getting worse

but my real question is, i have an apt in toronto, with a plastic surgeon in 3 weeks, how long after that do you think they would do the surgery is they were going too?

like if i go and the week after i can get it done, i shouldn't be on this right now probably, or does it take months?

the referal took 3 months so.

and should i tell him what i took? most doctors will be dicks and probably tell me i caused it myself, but i didn't had it since i was 13, and i'm now 24

would it be better to not tell him? im not sure what i should do. if i tell him i've taken drugs, he will probably say i caused it and not let ohip cover any of it or whatever.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Fortunately, I am not a Doctor. If I was and I saw your derisive comment about Most Doctors being dicks I might refuse to treat you.

I think you should be totally honest with your Surgeon or any other Doctor you see. They really do need all the relevant information they can get to properly evaluate your case and you are the best source of that information. Your best treatment will result when your Doctor is fully and honestly informed.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Dr. Elliot Jacobs

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Could not agree more with Paa_Paw.

Your surgeon is not your enemy -- he is trying to do the very best job for you.  And you absolutely must be totally honest with him as regards your past and present drug intake. 

When considering surgery, it is important that your body and your hormones be absolutely stable.  That may mean deferring surgery until you are stable.  Otherwise, you run the very real risk of having surgery and then a recurrence of the problem.

You have had this problem since age 13 -- surely a few more months (if needed) won't make a difference.

Dr Jacobs
Dr. Jacobs 
Certified: American Board of Plastic Surgery
Fellow: American College of Surgeons
Practice sub-specialty in Gynecomastia Surgery
4800 North Federal Highway
Boca Raton, Florida 33431
561  367 9101
Website:  http://www.gynecomastianewyork.c

Offline that_guy12

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hmmm, maybe so with plastic surgeons, but with family doctors there was a 10000 post thread about why you shouldn't tell them about steroid use (you'll get denied life insurance and other things once its on your medical records)

okay guys i'll let him know, but DR. do you have to come off completely? or can you run a TRT dosage, of like 100 mg of test while you're recovering? if you have your estrogen/prolactin/progesterone under control with ai's and letrozole? thanks

i do not want the expensve going up just because i decided to tell him.

Offline Paa_Paw

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With respect to a 10,000 post thread. Keep in mind that bad information and good information both travel at the same speed. Because bad information is more sensational, It attracts more attention along the way.

Too many responses to a topic probably means you should be looking elsewhere for the best information.


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