Author Topic: yet anouther picture  (Read 17532 times)


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I hear ya bra bro! I don't know if you have looked at "my story after all these year" yet! I did try hormon replacement for awhile and because of the side effect and some that were not even listed my wife and I decided to forgo them as well! My slightly larger then DDs sag a lot due to years of lack of proper support, but I can live with then and I'm not trying to win a pretty boob contest!

I do have my pictures posted on my story as well. It is in story section.


Offline RanmaS

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 In my case it depends on the maker of the bra to which size I am.  I mean that I have a dance skins 38 DD that fits and the smart and sexy bra's are 40 D. I also have a 42 C that fits perfect. But My doctor says like a female's breast they can take up to five years to completely grow. He thinks by that standard I could be a 44DD. But standing 6'5 They wont seem that big.


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That's nice that he feels that they won't seem that big! When my doctor told me I shouldn't let my breast stop me from going into the pool, I asked her if she would still wear her tight fitting swim suit if she grow a 6" penis looking thing out of the blue? She thought a little, then said I get your point!

I've learned over the years not to let them bother me so much, I even have no problem removing my shirt in any medical places, or even making jokes about them, but I also don't make a point of making them stick out for the world to see.

Offline RanmaS

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My point is I don't care what anyone else thinks. I have them and just like a female has them they are part of me. Would I go swimming? No and not just because I sink faster than the Titanic! I would have to find a bikini top that a. fit right b. the right size, or c wear a one piece or a shirt over the bikini top. Oh the looks that I'd get for wearing any of those and get wet even. Besides that people have a double standard . I mean women can wear any thing that a man wears but if a man wears a bra or a thong he's labeled a cross dresser or gay. if you know what I am saying.


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Oh, I know exactly what you are saying! I do go to the pool for some exercise. I was a Navy diver, but now due to arthritis I can no longer swim so I just walk forward and backwards. If I was out of the water I couldn't do it, but the water allows me to do this. I can't tell you how many times I would have fallen but because I'm in water I don't. Anyway back on subject. I wear a "rash" shirt much bigger then I need to cover up. Why, because I just don't want to bring attention to myself and have to deal with the bullshit. You can still see that my breast are bigger but it leads more to the imagination. I'm also in with mostly seniors so I think that's helps.

I know that it was a woman that made the comment to you, but over the years I've found that woman are more understanding about this then men usually. It is not unusual for a woman to say that you should wear a bra to support them, but men would not go there and not as easy to talk to. That is why this forum is great!

We have a member that wear a one peace swim suit swimming to support and cover his breast and got asked to leave the pool! I'll bet many of us very large breasted men would be asked to leave if we didn't cover up.

Dr. Jacobs and I tried to get a letter writing campaign going some time ago to the Dr. Oz show to do a segment on gynecomastia. Our hope was to bring more awareness to this for understanding and even the possibility the insurance companies might start covering the surgery more, but no go.

Offline RanmaS

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It seems to me that Dr.Oz only works with women as that's the ones he caters to Via-Opra. I belive that we should have more to choose from than either Testosterone replacement and reduction. Why not implants to enhance the look. Would they limit a female of her choices? I don't think so. As I have stated before I did not choose to get this but since it has happened to me I would not change it. Enhance them yes remove them No. I don't know about you but if the nipples get stimulated it makes the lower thing excited!


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I don't know about you but if the nipples get stimulated it makes the lower thing excited!

Can't say I've ever tried it to see if it would! Without having testicles it doesn't work anymore!

I do not like having breast, but I can't see having surgery to remove them when I'm having surgery for other things to make my life less painful! The other thing is, with having them all my life they really aren't  that big of a deal anymore, but to enhance them! No, that's not going to happen!

Offline Don K

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As I have stated before I did not choose to get this but since it has happened to me I would not change it. Enhance them yes remove them No. I don't know about you but if the nipples get stimulated it makes the lower thing excited!

I'm with you. I've grown quite fond of my breasts, and the only thing I'd change would be to enhance them. I agree having my breasts, areolas, and nipples stimulated is really exciting.

Offline Cisco

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In my case it depends on the maker of the bra to which size I am.  I mean that I have a dance skins 38 DD that fits and the smart and sexy bra's are 40 D. I also have a 42 C that fits perfect. But My doctor says like a female's breast they can take up to five years to completely grow. He thinks by that standard I could be a 44DD. But standing 6'5 They wont seem that big.

I'm under the impression that your ultimate breast size is coded in your DNA.  Therefore a man's breast will continue to grow (perhaps intermittently) whenever there is a surge of estrogen ultimately reaching there pre-determined size. So I'm wondering how the doctor was able to estimate your breast size at completion of growth.

Offline dbweb

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You have grown quickly it seems- I am facing  the same issues, the pic is from a year ago- things have continued to develope from that point to what I am supporting  today.  In my case, I have been measured with very low T numbers, but my doc says with my history, not prepared to offer replacement hormones.
In any case I share your attitude. I am prepared to deal with these as opposed to what is needed to resolve.  Wearing support clothing is a small cross to carry, there is much worse  in the medical world that others face so I still feel blessed.

Keep you head high and spirits will follow.

Happy holidays to all as well.

D B 


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This photo was taken when I got this laptop in may of this year. I developed Gynecomastia in may of 2012.

How did you develop such large feminine breasts in the matter of a year? Any diagnosis? I feel in one year thats a drastic series of spurts


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This photo was taken when I got this laptop in may of this year. I developed Gynecomastia in may of 2012.

How did you develop such large feminine breasts in the matter of a year? Any diagnosis? I feel in one year thats a drastic series of spurts

I don't know his cause, but I lost my testicles after a problem with my body not accepting my vacesectomy (1992).  I went from C cups (had gyne all my life) to DD in no time at all! Years later at almost 57 I'm 46H bra size.

Offline lilmikey

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I think that your breasts are lovely.


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