Author Topic: Testosterone Implants Anyone?  (Read 2251 times)

Offline Caslas213

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My Dr is unable to regulate my testosterone levels so he has referred me to a Dr who places testosterone implants just under the skin. Anyone know how often these have to be replaced.
I already have a spinal cord nerve stimulator and a pain pump hooked to the nerves in my back so I am a bit leary about another implanted device. My Dr told me once I get the implant then we can move forward with my gyno surgery.
Any info would be appreciated.


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I had never heard of the implant, so I googled it and of course there are two good reasons I can't have one, I'm diabetic and have hight blood pressure!

I read the side effects and like everything else they are just about as long as the discripription. One of them being feminization. That is one of the reasons you would be going through the trouble of getting this done in the first place is to get rid of breast! Some of the others are hight blood pressure, and that is a reason you can not have it in the first place, then there is cancer as well!

Sometimes the cure is worse then the cause. And I for one think this is one of them! You already have the pain pump which I totally can understand as a man that lives with chronic pain, but no pump yet. You have the nerve stimulator, that I hope is working for you as well! I also can understand too! As for hormones, I would look at injections, if you desire to do replacement therapy. However, I'm no doctor, just my opinion.

I do wish you the best on what ever you do!


Offline Caslas213

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Thanks Bob, I have been getting the testosterone shots every week and my Dr said I'm like a roller coaster with all the results he has gotten back from all the blood work.

If what I'm understanding is right, then there is a chance my gyno may end up getting worse. It seams I can't win for losing if this is the case. The only good thing I have noticed since getting the shots I have a much bigger sexual drive.

I have been wearing sports bras everyday now since my gyno has gotten worse. I just want to feel like a man again.

Thanks again


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After having breast most of my life and losing my testicles in my 30s now 55 I'm here to tell you my friend, YOUR STILL A MAN! It isn't how your body looks or what your sexual drive is like, it is all in your mind! It is how you treat your wife, how you raise your children if you have any, it is how you think!

If losing testosterone and having breast makes you less then a man then what are you? What am I? I still love welding and woodworking, fishing and hunting. If I could I would still jump out of helicopters with full SCUBA gear on as I did in the Navy, and most of all I still find my wife very attractive!

I still love the things I did when I was strong and healthy and I would do them again, even though I can fill out a bra better then many woman!

The only that that is making you feel less then a man is you and what you think of yourself!


Offline Paa_Paw

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It is not what you have or do not have on your chest that makes you a man, but what you have between your ears.

I'll bet that a lot of guys were thinking "between your legs" but ears is the right word.
Grandpa Dan

Offline greatlakes

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Thanks Bob, I have been getting the testosterone shots every week and my Dr said I'm like a roller coaster with all the results he has gotten back from all the blood work.

If what I'm understanding is right, then there is a chance my gyno may end up getting worse. It seams I can't win for losing if this is the case. The only good thing I have noticed since getting the shots I have a much bigger sexual drive.

I have been wearing sports bras everyday now since my gyno has gotten worse. I just want to feel like a man again.

Thanks again

What do you mean all over the place? What is he measuring - Total T, Free T, E2? I hope at a minimum these. Is he measuring midweek and end of week? Where is he injecting and with what type of needle.  Usually once a week 100mg is a good stable dose. However some guys do go to 5 day cycles or even twice a week cycles of 50mg. Inject yourself.  

The thing with pellets is they last a long time - couble of months. Bad thing is on the tail ends your levels are low and then you got to go to office and have the cut and stich you up.

You tried the gels right ? those are supposed to be less rollar coaster - but will not get you as high levels for some.

Also I suspect you got aromtization issues and are producing Estradiol like crazy from the Testosterone. Some men are just high converters (especially those overweight and older)


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