Author Topic: Can't upload pictures anymore  (Read 7638 times)

Offline Dlink

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I was trying to reference a picture on this site however it considers to be a outside website.

So I downloaded the picture and tried to upload it again and got an error message that the picture was too large in size?

HUH? The picture came from this very website that was posted here a few months ago. How can it be too large?

Is the web admin regressing to the 1990's technology?

Why is this website going so far down hill recently?


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Large picture eat up to much space. The owner of the site needs to pay for the space used, the more spaced use the more it cost! That is simple economics!

Use a picture with less pixels.

Most users of this forum don't post pictures of other people, they post pictures of themselves to ask advice as to what their needs are.

Offline Dlink

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Large picture eat up to much space. The owner of the site needs to pay for the space used, the more spaced use the more it cost! That is simple economics!

Use a picture with less pixels.

Most users of this forum don't post pictures of other people, they post pictures of themselves to ask advice as to what their needs are.

So then why not allow people to post links to photo bucket or some 3rd party photo server is space is their issue?

The pictures in question are not even high resolution but on average quality. I have probably spend more space by posting complains about the problem.

The only way for me to evaluate how good a doctor is from the before and after pictures because that could possible be an indication on how your case will turn out.

For example, one doctor I found had a strange horizontal line extending beyond the edge of the areola(were most doctors hide the scar from the incision)  and I was trying to find out what was going on.

There are not a whole lot of pictures when people do manage to upload a picture, there should be enough detail so the supporting doctors and members can tell what is going on.

These are the type of actions which use to be used in the 1990 when everyone was on AOL dial up and emails could not have attachments, etc..

In the world of fiber optics, HD movie streaming, MRI file transfer, remote surgeries via robots connected to remote doctors to the internet, this website has reverted to having some crazy small file limit to which even images posted on the site a few months ago are to large.

The owner of the site should have made sure the person he told to would at least attempt to keep on the original vision and not make things worse.

I suspect the actual problem may be more of trying to stop a spammer but not realize the unintended consequences of hurting its members from collaborating on information related to gynecomastia.

In any event, they really need to lighten up and let people upload pictures and at very least link to


Are you one of those people who love the nude full body X-ray scanners of the airport as well as the NSA listening in on their phone calls, emails, text messages, internet searches, etc....?  These changes are making things worse not better. If they are trying to stop a spammer, just ban the spammer not make everyone else suffer.


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I don't get the X-rays at the airport as if I can't get there by driving I don't go! I don't go to air ports unless it is to pick up someone or drop them off! I did enough flying in the service to last a life time!

Offline Dlink

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I don't get the X-rays at the airport as if I can't get there by driving I don't go! I don't go to air ports unless it is to pick up someone or drop them off! I did enough flying in the service to last a life time!

How do you feel about the federal government knowing that you have Gynecomastia and you visit this forum? The NSA domestic spying programs(which was design for terrorist) is being used to spy on every single American citizen regardless of any wrongdoing. Everything you do online is being stored in a Utah data center run by the NSA which came online this year. Google it if you don't believe me.

You seem to want to defend whatever happens to be the current system even if its indefensible. For some reason you seem to be arguing sake of arguing. I do not know why.

There is no reason I should not be allow to link to another post in to reference information.

I do not even think the owner is aware of this but probably accidentally labeled every web address as a spammers attempt even if it links to its own website.

This has not helped this website as there are far less activity now then they use to be when it was a free flow of information. 

People are not uploading their vacation pictures or movies to this website. They might upload 1 or 2 pictures of a problem and ask for advice which I guess now they may not be able to do since even average quality pictures are considered too big.

I wondering if this was a response to mega-upload website getting shut down?

In any event, these are making the website much worse. I wish the original owner would let the new owner know what made this website so great and how this is a step in the wrong direction.   


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I do not agree with the NSA being able to do any monitoring of any of us!

"If we give up liberty for security, we have nether"!

I'm also extremely very pro gun! Carried one most of my life! I'm not politically correct never have been never will be! And, I'm very conservative! I'm pro God, believe in Jesus, anti abortion.

Veteran of the US Navy and the US Army!

I'm also a Ordained Christian Minister.

Any more questions?

Offline Dlink

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I do not agree with the NSA being able to do any monitoring of any of us!

"If we give up liberty for security, we have nether"!

I'm also extremely very pro gun! Carried one most of my life! I'm not politically correct never have been never will be! And, I'm very conservative! I'm pro God, believe in Jesus, anti abortion.

Veteran of the US Navy and the US Army!

I'm also a Ordained Christian Minister.

Any more questions?

Yeah, why do you keep ignoring the fact that this website has gone down hill after it was sold. The changes being made have limited free speech, expression, collaboration, all to stop spammers. I am not a spammer, I am trying to learn how to make good decision about fixing gynecomastia.

I don't think American citizens should be treated like terrorist at the air port and I don't think people suffering from gynecomastia should be treated like spammers on this website by some dragnet policy which don't even let people post links to its own site.

Also, no offense but you vets really need to stop supporting Mccain. He is a tool of Soros who will bring this country down like all those planes he crashed. He crashed like 3 planes in peacetime, scored almost dead last in his class of almost 800 and had his daddy pull strings to even allow him to fly a plane(which he normally could not due to low test scores). 

If you want to support a true war hero, support Admiral Jeremiah Denton who is the real deal not Mccain.


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So Dlink, how many years did you serve and in which branch of service did you serve?

Offline Paa_Paw

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I cannot help but wonder Dlink. If you find this site so repugnant, Why don't you open one of your own? You seem to have some very strong opinions on how NOT to do it.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Dlink

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So Dlink, how many years did you serve and in which branch of service did you serve?

Are you talking about serving in a military? I am not in the army, I'm a businessman.

No offense but I am not willing to throw away everything the founding fathers fought so hard to appease some spoiled RINO military brat who is in the back pocket of Soros.

If Major Hassan would have not gone of a terrorist jihad(or work place violence as some call it) and gone on a shooting rampage in military base but ran for politics, would you suppose him because he was in the military? The military has traitors too you know.

The military you once knew is no longer around, the new military has declared war on Christians. I would advise anyone I know to stay away from joining the military. It no longer believes in what it once did I'm sorry to say.

If they keep promoting Jihadist like major Hassan and labeling evangelical Christians are extremist threats, I don't think too many Americans are going to keep signing up.

I would imaging this would piss you off also unless you are the type of guy who will follow blindly right or wrong?

Offline Dlink

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I cannot help but wonder Dlink. If you find this site so repugnant, Why don't you open one of your own? You seem to have some very strong opinions on how NOT to do it.

I'm get right on it after I start my own television network and new country. Believe it or not I can't just snap my fingers and make things happen out of thin air.

Now, let me ask you a question. Why has labeled its own website an a outside spamming website?

There was a guy asking about how to tell if he had glandular or fat as the main cause of Gynecomastia. There was a post which Dr. Jachobs did a very good job explaining it. I wanted to send the guy a link however was told that was considered a spam site by the system.

Let me ask you, do you use reasoning and logic or do you just follow whatever happens to be the flavor of the day?

In my business, we had a mistake on our website in which customers were instruction that they were not allowed to print the paper unless it was first signed.

It was suppose to say is that you needed to sign the paper and send it to us before you would be allowed continue.

Anyway, half the people at the company were defending this misstatement as if it were a commandment from God and it turns out that it was one of the programmers from India who screwed up the wording.

Finally, someone saw it and was like " what the heck, they expect the person to take a sharpie and sign their computer monitor when the form appears before they print it out?"

Anyway, is clearly not a spam site since its the site we are on right now. They have wrongly flagged their own website as a outside spam site.

I do not know why you defend such a thing. Its like if your own security guards won't allow you into your own house.
« Last Edit: November 09, 2013, 01:21:53 AM by Dlink »


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Dlink, when you spend time in combat boots, when your someone's wingman, when's you have spent one hell of a long time under the sea without seeing the sun, when share sea rats or now MREs, wear adult diapers on a classified mission because if you got to go you can't stop and go, when you spend time in a North Viet Nam POW camp or in any POW camp, then and any only then you can say something about our honorable MEN AND WOMEN that serve this country that give you the right to talk like an ass.

Every were in the walks of life there are bad people, even in business, you need to look only as far as a mirror!

Offline Dlink

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Dlink, when you spend time in combat boots, when your someone's wingman, when's you have spent one hell of a long time under the sea without seeing the sun, when share sea rats or now MREs, wear adult diapers on a classified mission because if you got to go you can't stop and go, when you spend time in a North Viet Nam POW camp or in any POW camp, then and any only then you can say something about our honorable MEN AND WOMEN that serve this country that give you the right to talk like an ass.

Every were in the walks of life there are bad people, even in business, you need to look only as far as a mirror!

Does that right extent to Christians as well or are they now public enemy #1? Why is the army training people to label Evangelical Christians like Billy Graham as extremist threats while promoting terrorist traitors like major Hassan who said during conferences that he wants to cut off the head of Americans and poor oil down their throat.

Why was major Hassan promoted in the military ranks while Christians are being labeled the enemy?

I am sorry that you feel that bashing terrorist and defending Christians makes me " talk like an ass" ? I thought I was talking to a Man not sheep.
« Last Edit: November 13, 2013, 02:53:40 AM by Dlink »


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When Jesus Christ died on the cross he did this for all who accept him as his lord and savior to be saved for eternal life! Prior to this he preach loving one another however, he said if someone did not what to hear shake  the dust from your boots and leave. So Dlink, one can see  you do not wish to hear, so I will shake the dust from my boots, but before I go let me say this!

I am more man then you will ever be because I was willing to step up an give my life for my country and my countryman! At my older age even disabled I would still stand up for this country and do the same!

It is said that there are only two kinds that are willing to give you their lives, a man or woman for a loved one or friend and love of the country and countryman and Jesus Christ!

I am a man and a sheep, and The Lord is my Shepard!

Bob aka Hammer a follower of Jesus Christ not of man!

Offline Dlink

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When Jesus Christ died on the cross he did this for all who accept him as his lord and savior to be saved for eternal life! Prior to this he preach loving one another however, he said if someone did not what to hear shake  the dust from your boots and leave. So Dlink, one can see  you do not wish to hear, so I will shake the dust from my boots, but before I go let me say this!

I am more man then you will ever be because I was willing to step up an give my life for my country and my countryman! At my older age even disabled I would still stand up for this country and do the same!

It is said that there are only two kinds that are willing to give you their lives, a man or woman for a loved one or friend and love of the country and countryman and Jesus Christ!

I am a man and a sheep, and The Lord is my Shepard!

Bob aka Hammer a follower of Jesus Christ not of man!

So you are a man for wanted to label fellow Christian as threats to the US military? You are not making a lot of sense. You did not answer any of my question and I wonder if you ever read my questions.

You said that you are a Christian, do you know that makes you a enemy of the military? The military has labeled Christians as a threat.

So you respect Major Hassan? ( tip: He is the muslim man who was continuously promoted in the military even after he said that he wanted to " cut off the heads of Americans and throw oil down their throat. Then went on a shooting rampage to kill as many American as he could) So you are saying that Major Hassan has your vote in an election, you would find him not guilty if you were on his jury and has your respect for wanting to die him what he believe in(Jihad) ?

I think I have asked you this like 3 times and you have never answered me once.

Would you kill your fellow Americans if ordered to by Major Hassan or another Muslim in the military? What happens if the military declare the US citizens its enemy?  Then what, are you on the side of America or the Military ?

You know that NSA spying center is Utah is not to spy on Muslims but to spy on YOU!!!!!! The average American citizen.

You also never answered why the military is saying that Christians(YOU) is the enemy? Do you agree with the military or your religion?

Thank God for Patriots like Edward Snodwen who exposed the government corruption and overreach.


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