Author Topic: what all medicines were prescribed to you post surgery?  (Read 1908 times)

Offline kapil7898

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I was given pain killers and some antibiotics. But the antibiotics were given only two times. One antibiotics injection during surgery and one more injection the next day. After that I am only on the painkiller tablet thrice a day and one antacid once a day. Doctor did not prescribe any more antibiotics to me in my post surgery medications.  :(

Am I falling short of antibiotics doses? Or does it vary person to person?

Also please let me know what were your post surgery medications

Offline HoustonTexan

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I didn't take any antibiotics, at least when I was conscious... Your good man. I used aloe vera on my incisions, it has antibacterial properties and will help with healing. Some vitamin C can't hurt either. 

Offline Nutsandbolts

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I am pretty sure there is no clear cut answer to whats considered normal. Myself I was just given painkillers, strong ones.

Offline gunit101

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Percocets and something for ur bowel as the meds can cause constipation


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It will be based on the surgery and the person. Each surgery is different as to how much had to be done as far as how big of a cut, or no cut at all, how much removal, how long you were in surgery and many other things! So you can't count on one being the same as another.

Gunit101 is correct also, about the constipation problem. Just about everyone can count on that one because so many of the meds will cause it. I myself have had many surgeries and no two are alike on the same person. I've had both of my knees replace and both of those surgeries don't go exactly the same!

Good luck to all of you!



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