Author Topic: Lets do this!!  (Read 5766 times)

Offline Mugambo

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i'm 6'3 and about 19st.
I'm a pretty broad guy and I've got well defined shoulders and arms but the belly and hips is causing some problems. I'm hitting the gym regularly but have hit that 'wall' where I'm finding it harder to lose the extra weight - Used to be 22st, droped to 17 and now am 19.

Now I'm not expecting miracles, I'm being realistic. I'm not expecting a 6 pack but am hoping for a bit more of a slimmer look that I can take back to the gym and define and tone more.

Offline RRB

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I know many of you don't think its a good idea, but I'm gonna get liposuction done on my stomach at the same time - hopefully it will compliment my new chest.  :)

I dont think people think its a bad idea to get lipo on the stomach, if money wasnt an option for me i would probably have gotten it too.  I just feel id rather train like a madman to lose the belly.  Hope my previous post regarding the lipo didnt sound like i thought it was bad to get it done
Surgery performed by Mr Paul Levick, 17/02/05. I am here to help.

Offline irish_dude

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  • Op performed with Mr.Levick, 19/8/2005
i'm 6'3 and about 19st.
I'm a pretty broad guy and I've got well defined shoulders and arms but the belly and hips is causing some problems. I'm hitting the gym regularly but have hit that 'wall' where I'm finding it harder to lose the extra weight - Used to be 22st, droped to 17 and now am 19.

Have you worked out your ideal weight for your size? I'd say it would be 15-16 stone for you.

I'm 5'10 and 16 stone and dropping. I was nearly hitting 17 stone a month pre-op.

Having the gyne meant that I purposely kept a 'stomach' so my chest didn't look so pronounced.

Like you, I'm broad-shouldered and can carry a lot of weight without looking too fat. My arms and legs are 'normal'.

The funny thing was that the day before the op, myself and the better-half went shopping and ended up in the Armani shop in the Bullring. I was poking around and the sales assistant asked me would I like to try anything. My better-half was goading me into trying some jeans and the assistant asked my size saying '36...maybe 38 Sir?'.

I coughed '42' under my breath and my other half was astonished. As he tried desperately to find anything with that waist size she poked me in the ribs and said 'you're not, are you? you're carrying it well'.

Feckin' Shameful!

I said to myself that I'd go the natural route to lose the stomach after the gyne op - an hour of cruches a day and drop the high carb diet that I'm so fond of.

It will be really interesting to hear how you get on as you're probably the only gyneoid in here to get his stomach done too.

Any chance of some pre and post pics?

Best of luck!

Offline Mugambo

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RRB - thats cool. That too was my aim to train really hard but I overdid it when I started working out and that has left me with a sore lower back. If I start to do too many crunches - my back goes.

I went to the Tranform group early last year and just for gyne correction and lipo to the chest area, they were asking for almost £7k  :'(

With that in mind, I thought the op would cost that much, and so I started to scrimp and save to fund the op. Then, through sheer luck, I found this site and I found out about Levick through this board. Now, I'm gonna have both my gene and stomach done for £6.4k !
It is alot of money, but as long as it can sort me out, it would have all been worth it.

Levick said that I'd make a good polar bear.... apparently the way I store fat is like a polar bear - all over!!

I've always been a fat kid but thankfully, I've always been able to see my willy and toes  ;D
Jokes aside, at my worst I was a 42/44" waist. I've managed to drop to and hold it at 38" for a few years now, thought 38" is starting to feel abit tight now... ideally, I'd like to drop down to 36" waist and with additional training and cardio, I hope to achive this.
The Lipo should hopefully get rid of that extra bulge so when I'm running on the treadmill, it doesn't look like i'm bouncing a basketball with my stomach  ;)

Irish dude - no worries, I will take take pre & post pics of both area's.

I was just think about being back at school - did any of you guys have gene then? I remember when we played football and the PE Teacher would make us play shirts vs skins..... I hated it when I was skins.... especially when you had the girls watching from the side line and giggling..... how I wished the ground would open up and swallow me whole... the showers were bad as well.... run in and out before anyone else could see me or run in, wet my hair and face and pretend I was already done!!

Offline irish_dude

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  • Op performed with Mr.Levick, 19/8/2005
If I start to do too many crunches - my back goes.

A friend of mine went on some crazy diet where he did about 2 hours of crunches a day and eat nothing but a cheese sandwhich for lunch.

He went from about 16 stone to 8. At his lowest weight he looked ill and people kept asking him if he had cancer.

But he put out a disc out in his back from the crunches because he didn't have any advice or supervision from a personal trainer and he was moving his head way too far off the ground. He almost left himself permanetly disabled and needed extensive spinal fusion surgery to get him back to anywhere near being mobile.

Pretty stupid you might say, even more so considering that he himself was a medical Doctor. Can you believe that?

I've had a trainer tell me that you *never ever* take your head more than 2 inches off the ground when doing crunches. The secret is where you position your feet - there's 3 potential positions which can target specific groups of your stomach muscles.

There's a video by a guy called Tony Little that takes you through these types of stomach exercises safely. He's very shouty and American, but he's well worth checking out!

I went to the Tranform group early last year and just for gyne correction and lipo to the chest area, they were asking for almost £7k  :'(

We have them here in Ireland. I'm always a little dubious about such places as it seems to be more about the 'brand' than the surgeon.

I was just think about being back at school - did any of you guys have gene then?

Yes, don't even talk to me about PE!

Offline RRB

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  • I am here to help is a really good forum.  They have an excellent forum on diet and nutrition for those of you who may wish to read up on that stuff. I have lost over 2 stone in the past few months without being too agressive with my diet (chocolate is my kryptonite) and just doing 3 days weights and cardio on other days.

Offline Mugambo

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Thanks for the link, I'll check it out !!

Offline Mugambo

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20 days to go......
I've got my compression vest (man it takes a while to do up the eyelets!!), holidays booked and excuses sorted.... can't wait to be finally rid of these moobies!!

I hope these remaining days don't drag.....


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