Author Topic: Best surgeon in Europe for puffy nipples?  (Read 3365 times)

Offline Pufffy

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Does anyone have any idea who the very best surgeon for puffy nipples surgery could be in all of Europe?
Or is there even a world class gynecomastia surgeon in Europe that deals with a lot of puffy nipples corrections?
Thank you guys.

Offline kaka0077

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I cant answer your question because I dont know it, but what I know is that you dont need world class surgeon to deal with puffy nipples , just look for one in your country , and be willing to pay for it ; surgeons practising gyno operations that work in state hospitals are butchers if you ask me . Good luck!:)

Offline Pufffy

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I cant answer your question because I dont know it, but what I know is that you dont need world class surgeon to deal with puffy nipples , just look for one in your country , and be willing to pay for it ; surgeons practising gyno operations that work in state hospitals are butchers if you ask me . Good luck!:)

Thank you.
I have visited local surgeons. But I have also learned that it is sometimes actually very hard to achieve a near perfect result when trying to treat puffy nipples.

Doesn't anyone have any clinic in Europe that they can recommend for this?

Offline qazwsxedcrfvtgb

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I'd reccomend Paul Levick in England


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