Author Topic: Re: Asian men always have flatter chests?  (Read 3782 times)

Offline inhiding

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I wish I was a normal asian...
Anyways, just letting you know, it hits us too. (I better not be the only asian with it!)

Offline fromfar

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Asian man faces gynecomastia problem, but not widely spoken because of the culture. besides that many people in asians are not exposed to the condition if compared to other parts of the world. I am from asian, and only got to know my condition after finding out from internet. It was even so difficult to find a plastic surgeon who is familiar with this condition.

Offline c3ntralp3rk

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um, i don't know.. i might have to agree with the theory that asian men are 'less' prone to gynecomastia then other races..

and to correct, a LOT of indian males have gyne.. its just that very few of them post it on here because...well since so many people have it there, i don't think people see something significantly wrong with it..

this is a completely unvalidated theory that i am creating right now.. but to think about it, caucasians and indians shared  common ancestors.. the 'aaryans'.. whereas east-asians descended from the mongols.. statistically speaking, i don't think there are as many east asians with gynecomastia as there are caucasians & indians. personally, i believe the gyne is congential to some degree.. and this may contribute to the demographical distribution of gyne amongst the human population..


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Asian man faces gynecomastia problem, but not widely spoken because of the culture. besides that many people in asians are not exposed to the condition if compared to other parts of the world. I am from asian, and only got to know my condition after finding out from internet. It was even so difficult to find a plastic surgeon who is familiar with this condition.

Yes, I have seen and operated on many Oriental, Asian, American Indian, Indian individuals.  Culteral issues are important.  Several of these patients' parents have told me that having gynecomastia is "no big deal" for themselves nor many of their peers.

For the many years I have been treating gynecomastia I have not seen a race differential for having this contour problem.  I also know of no reliable literature that supports such a viewpont.  

There may be a race component of what I call "Soft Gynecomastia."  Gland can be so soft that it feels like fat from the surface.  On the inside of the chest, it is white gland, firm picked up by my Dynamic Technique, and confirmed gland by pathology.  I have reviewed many such cases with Pathologists and so far, there is no pathologic distinguishing feature.  Soft gynecomastia seems to be a factor I have seen most in Blacks, but also in Indians, Orientals, and American Indians.

Hope this helps,

Michael Bermant, MD
Learn More About Gynecomastia and Chest Sculpture


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