Author Topic: Things i'm looking forward to....  (Read 1679 times)

Offline rhyno18

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Had revision surgery this week. Long story short, lifelong gyne sufferer in my early 40s.  It was a fairly severe case- probably big b/small c despite a standard size frame (5/10, 195)  I've spent 20+ years layering clothes, never going shirtless anxious about any time someone saw the profile of my chest or even worse tried to touch it.  I know you guys understand.

Had surgery 15 months ago that was essentially a fiasco.  Lots of tissue left...and what was left was almost in a teardrop shape.  I was more self conscious than ever.

Saw a different PS and am so far (very early) very optimistic about the results.   My wife has been very supportive of both procedures and has respected my wish to not talk about it in too much detail.  (She knows how embarrassed I am about it.)  Now that the end of the road is hopefully in sight, she asked what i'm looking forward to the most....

And it's many things that sound little...but are so big.

I can't wait to put on dri-fit golf shirt on a hot day and not have to layer it with a tight t-shirt.

Actually looking at my chest in the mirror after I shower instead of quickly drying off and putting on a shirt on without looking. (This was especially true after the first surgery when things looked 'droopier' than before.)

I can't wait to work out in a t-shirt or tank and not worry about how my chest moves during jumping jacks, plyo or any jumping activity.

I'm going to enjoy just throwing on a t-shirt and leaving the house with layering up.  (there are so many fun/cool t-shits I'm going to wear)  Also looking forward to the t-shirt under an unbuttoned flannel.  I always loved that look - but would never try to pull it off with gynecomastia.

I'm looking forward to taking my shirt off at the in-laws pool after coming up with excuses for 17 years.  I'm looking forward to swimming with my 12 year old - who just assumed did never wanted to swim with him.

I can't wait to take the family to the water park....and ride the rides with them.

I'd to go on another cruise...and walk around shirtless on the pool deck instead of trying to find a way to look 'casual'...but still be layered.

I'm looking forward to my wife placing her hand on my chest when we are standing close..and instinctively pulling way from her hand.  Or having sex with the lights without being conscious of how I looked.  (it never bothered her..but always bothered me)

Hugging people without feeling like I need to keep an arms distance...

It all seems small...but they are all things I can't wait to do after all these years...

« Last Edit: January 31, 2014, 11:10:14 AM by rhyno18 »

Offline jay adams

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It is good bro. Everything you said does feel good now. And remember it's not perfection we need, just a little normalcy goes a long way. Keep your diet on point and work out and you'll see there can be a ripped chest underneath.

Offline Delivered

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Congratulations on your new chest!

It is great to hears stories from guys that have had great support and understanding like you did! Thank your wife, there have been many guys with stories that didn't have that understanding and support!

God bless, enjoy life!


Offline srnd2012

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I'm 3 months post op and I also can't wait to do these things.  In a couple months I'm going to Cuba and I plan on being shirtless all day every day!! 
Congrats on the successful revision bud.


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