Author Topic: Bothered by gynecomastia lately  (Read 2679 times)

Offline Bodybuilder1992

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I'm just so bothered by gynecomastia lately and it lead me to give up things i love like bodybuilding(it only make the case worse so i stopped workout)
Does anyone have sugesstion on how to not bothered by this , i have mild case but it cause me great pain , don't know what to do , nobody knows that i have it except close people to me , but others don't know what's my problem why i am acting like bothered from something that doesnt exist i don't know i'm so confused so many emotions are going throgh me right now , i used to like live life but now u'm so bothered by this i can't do anything ..i think about gynecomastia 24/7 can't stop thinking about it i'm so paranoid ..  :-\ how could i stop think about it , gynecomastia causes me to be anxious , stressed , unconfident , low-self esteem and lot of emotions like sadness and depression every time it hits me i try to forget about it but it returns in boom , i just can't stop thinking about it , how could i stop thinking about it so bothers me ..


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I had it all my life and it never bothered me like you talk about, I think it is time to seek professional help!

I know that you are younger, so you will need to sit down with you parents and talk to them about what is going on and ask them to help you get the help you need, because it is not healthy to obsess as you are doing.

Good luck, I wish only the best for you!



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I am with Hammer on this one. 
You need to reach out and talk to your parents as well as a professional.
If something negative is on your mind all the time, it is an obsession that has to be dealt with. Reaching out to us online is just a start, but the people closest to you can help you a lot more.

Offline FLGyne

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Not sure how old you are, but I was too proud to acknowledge my gynecomastia when I was a teen, and as such, never got the help for it. I didn't get the surgery until I was 26 years old and looking back, I wish I had done it sooner. I probably could have had the surgery in college, but the idea of bringing this idea forward was horrifying to me. It took a lot of pride to swallow to bring it up and get it take care of, but looking back, it was ridiculous because it wasn't my fault.

Once it's gone, you can walk around with your chest puffed out and let the wind blow against it. Your life will be changed forever. Bring up the topic and get it done!

Offline Paa_Paw

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The condition is usually self diagnosed. Meaning that if you think you have the condition you probably do.

I would venture to say that the condition is very often mis-diagnosed, In that some people think they have it but actually do not.

Unless a Doctor has confirmed that you do have it, lets see some photos. In the past you compared yourself to a man who had no breast enlargement at all.

There are no physical symptoms, the ill effects of the condition are almost entirely psychological.

There are a lot of people here who would love to be of help, but we need to know what we are actually dealing with.
Grandpa Dan

Offline Bodybuilder1992

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All my life people have been noted at my nipples stuff like wow you're nipple is bigger then your chest for laughs and squeezed my nipple and noted to they're puffiness and touches them alot of pointing out ao pretty much i was becoming self-councious  trying to hide my puffy nipples and also ruining my chest shape you all know that people don't look at your nipples just becaUse it's ordinary , they
Look at it because it's puffiness looks weird and started to laugh at you ..
Look at the pictures pretty much like this i have


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To tell you the truth, I wouldn't laugh at the nipples, but the way you look in the bottom pictures is not for me! I use to sport 22" biceps and could lift the back off a full size pick up truck, ( probably that's why my back is no good) but no way would I want to look like that!

To each his own!

Offline Paa_Paw

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I get it, It is called puffy nipples and you have it. You can either ignore it or get it taken care of. Whatever floats your boat is right for you.

Just because the amount of tissue to be removed is small, don't think you need a less capable surgeon. It takes skill to use restraint.

The condition can be an embarrassment, but if it is more than that you are beating yourself up needlessly. Why would you feel shame over something that is beyond your control? It has a common name because it is so common that for many of us, it is normal.

Lighten up a bit.

Offline Bodybuilder1992

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Thank you very much for the replies  :)
It's good to read the replies , sometimes i just feel like it's the end of the world for me , but i'm trying to fight with it .. I wish i wouldn't have those puffy nipples and shit , so much impact on my life , i think surgery is the only option , but i do know that this is all in your mind i just can't control my brain , it's so hard that it controls me back ..ways to deal with it will be welcome .

Offline thetodd

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I wouldn't worry to much about surgery, the process isnt that daunting and its over in a flash. recovery's another story and can be a bit of a rocky road but you'l get over it fairly quickly

You look cut you should be proud. Put money aside, make it a goal get it done and live your life! There are no real coping mechanism's, people like to set goals with surgery in regards to saving etc, i found it a good distraction.
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!

Offline Cobra21987

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 I got the same thing as you man it sucks bad. Everyone that sees me around the gym our anywhere  compliments how in shape i am. Its been huaunting me my whole life not being able to go to the beach, tubing, etc. My prolactin levels were high is what caused it in the first place i think. I been taking bromocriptine for the last 6 months and not seen any results. Im gonna give it another 6 months and if it dont get better im gonna get the surgery. It bothers me day in and day out its so frustrating.


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