Author Topic: Gynecomastia has become a SUE SUE SUE event from drugs  (Read 1716 times)

Offline Alchemist

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There are now ads on cable TV channels for lawyers to sue for getting Risperdal induced gynecomastia.  So now the horror stories start to up the suffering for increasing settlements.  There is little money for lawyers in suing for only  $10K for surgery.  I don't believe that this will help mental health.  Instead it will turn boys into drama queens so that their huge suffering will be dramatic enough to get big settlements for pain and suffering.  So now this will define a whole lot of new "winners" and "loosers". 

There will be a parade of young men on various shows to parade their suffering so everybody will know how big a jackpot they could "win".  Who knows what the long term outcome will be.  I would bet some boys with marginal gyne will get prescribed some to see if they can grow breasts to the jackpot size, whatever that turns out to be.  This should make for some interesting family and doctor discussions.  There are so many ways this could go wrong, speaking from the view of whats best for those manifesting gynecomastia, that it is worrisome. 

Offline FLGyne

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Have a little more faith in our court system. In theory, it should weed out frivolous lawsuits. As consumers, lawsuits are our only avenue to try to receive damages from negligent or malicious companies who knew about an issue and didn't disclose it. It is our right and protection as Americans and is part of the free market, otherwise corporations could walk all over us and do whatever they want. There needs to be accountability and it's the court system.

People like to quote the "McDonalds hot coffee" case, but if you look into it and not just little one-liners, McDonalds definitely was negligent and deserved to pay. 

Offline Alchemist

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Have a little more faith in our court system. In theory, it should weed out frivolous lawsuits. As consumers, lawsuits are our only avenue to try to receive damages from negligent or malicious companies who knew about an issue and didn't disclose it. It is our right and protection as Americans and is part of the free market, otherwise corporations could walk all over us and do whatever they want. There needs to be accountability and it's the court system.

People like to quote the "McDonalds hot coffee" case, but if you look into it and not just little one-liners, McDonalds definitely was negligent and deserved to pay. 

You misinterpret my meaning.  I am concerned for the boys who will be inadvertently damaged, chewed up and spit out by the system, by all the crap that will take place, by a percentage of undesirable outcomes.

Don't assume that rational parents are universal.


Offline Paa_Paw

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Do not take too seriously the crap put out by those Ambulance Chasers.
Grandpa Dan


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