Author Topic: Levick 'fixed' me on 26/3/14 - 7 week update  (Read 7304 times)

Offline Squire

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Nice one Donut. Appreciate your help.

Offline Squidge

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Hi Squire, your photos look great so far - really good motivation for me as I'm now on day 3 post-op.  I've got very limited mobility and bruising at the top of the binder as you mentioned, and i'm also not sure about how much of the discomfort is being caused by the tape under my arm pits!  Just 2 quick questions:  1) when did you take the bandages & tape off from under your arm pits?  and 2) when did you have your first post-op shower?  I'm feeling a bit grubby and slightly desperate for a shower, but not sure if i should wait until Wednesday when I can take off the binder, or whether i should try to shower without getting the binder wet...any advice on that one?  Cheers, and look forward to following your progress over the next few months as you're a few weeks ahead of me :)

Offline Squire

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Hi squidge, thanks, I'm glad it's helping you. I changed the dressings on day three then removed them on day four. This seemed a little early but they appeared to be healing well. I just kept an eye on them in case they ever weeper or opened up, which they didn't. My first shower was day 7 when the binder was removed. It was the greatest feeling ever! I did attempt two showers without removing the binder, holding the shower head in my hand. This was mainly to wash my hair. Other than that I used a small baby sponge from boots to get into my arm pits daily. I would advise waiting until the binder is off. You'll notice massive improvements daily for the next couple of days. I'm following your progress too, it's interesting to see how we all compare!

Offline Squire

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3 weeks post op

No significant change. I would say that I now feel 'normal'. The chest itself is not as flat as it was but this was expected. There are no new lumps or bumps. I have not started massaging yet but feel I need to start soon. I'm waking up asleep on my front which is causing a little discomfort but nothing significant. I can comfortably sleep on my side. The op has not been at the forefront of my mind for the last couple of days, so it must be starting to 'sink in'. I'm still not back at the gym and feel that week 4 may be suitable for some light jogging / cycling but certainly not resistance training. It's nicer reading posts on this forum once you are on the other side!

Offline Squire

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I can't remember how long Mr Levick said to wear the vest. Was it 2 weeks 24/7 and two weeks at night only (as a minimum)? Would I be ok to wear it during the day and not at night towards the end?

Offline ian89

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Yeah 2 weeks 24/7 then 2 weeks 12/7. I personally wore mine through the day and off at night, just assumed 12hours is 12 hours, and i felt more "secure" wearing it through the day also.

Offline Squire

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Thanks Ian. Did this trigger additional swelling for you?

Offline Donut

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The longer and tighter the better! The 4 weeks total ought to be absolute minimum - I still wear mine most of the time (3 months), and it does still make a difference that I can notice.

Offline Samispeed

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looking great mate! cant wait to see your next update. im day 3 post op and just trying to see what iv got on the roller coaster ahead of me!..
never the less your results look amazing so far!

Offline Squire

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Cheers Sam. I'll post some pics on Wednesday when I'm 4 weeks. It'll be hard for you to believe at 3 days but time does fly. Only a few more days before you will be amazed with your own results.

Thanks donut, I was asking because it seemed to be too early. I'm planning on keeping up the compression for longer than 4 weeks too.

Offline Squire

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4 weeks post op

Generally happy still with the process but I'm now firmly established in the recovery roller coaster.I have seen an increase in size in recent days as I have reduced the compression.

Typically I am wearing the compression vest for 12 hours in the day and the binder for 3 hours in the evening. I am not wearing anything at night. I'm planning to keep this approach to compression up for at least another 4-6 weeks.

I'm not massaging as much or as often as I need to and need to improve on this immediately.

My nipples look bigger recently but I'm not sure if this is my imagination. The photos do not really represent what I see; it makes the left nipple area look more indented and the right side larger. I do have a couple of lumps at the bottom, the right is visible in the photo. The nipples look more creased in this photo than they typically do because of the compression.

I have had some pain when sleeping on my front or generally being clumsy but nothing that worries me.

I'm planning to start light gym work from next week, probably only treadmill, cross trainers and bike. I still don't feel ready for weights.

I've not heard from Mr Levick's office, but have not contacted him.

Am I now at the stage where I can consider this to be my final size, or will it be nearer what I saw after week 1?

Offline paul786

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it looks so much better now mate, that said I would bet you still have swelling that could take
months to totally go (Totally based on other peoples results from here)

Really does look good tho..Congrats

Offline Donut

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Swelling probably hardly started yet... Often starts some months after surgery! - that said you definitely have some that will reduce in time - keep that compression up for as long/tight as you can bear it!

Offline Samispeed

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Looking good bud. To be honest, you can't even tell you've had anything done. Just looks like a regular flat chest! Bet you're happy!

Offline Squire

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Thanks guys. Every time I look at it I seem to be less happy but I'm sure that's my imagination. Here's some photos side by side: pre op, 1 wk, 2 wk & 4wks for comparison.


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