Author Topic: Levick 'fixed' me on 26/3/14 - 7 week update  (Read 7302 times)

Offline Samispeed

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Looks good if you ask me. I think once you put muscle into that chest it will fill in where the glands were and it will look great. Are you experiencing the scar tissues at all ? Does it still feel swollen still?

Offline paul786

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What exactly don't you like about your chest?

Offline Squire

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Cheers Sam, not experiencing scar tissue in the way I expected from reading about other peoples experiences. I think this is to follow in the most part. I have one hard lump on both sides at the bottom. I believe these were as a result of having less compression when wearing the binder in week one, as it was just below one of the ribs in the garment

Offline Squire

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Paul, it's not that I don't like it. I love it. It becomes harder to remember what I started off with as time passes. Every morning I look in the mirror and think my breasts are growing back. I'll then catch a glimpse of my profile when I'm not expecting, in a shop window or similar, and surprise with the change. It's purely psychological. There's a couple of lumps visible as I described to Sam but these will be resolved in time. I had low expectations from the outset, so I'm happy now. I think the joy I experienced the first time I took the binder off was false as it was not a true representation of how the chest will be once the compression is reduced. That's why it helps me to align photos from various stages in this forum.

Offline paul786

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You have to take into consideration that on the first 2 photos you have posted
you are holding the camera out with your hands

this should make your chest look flatter BUT when you look at the last 2 your arms are down and yet you chest
looks flatter in them.

if I get your result i will be one very happy man

Offline Squire

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Six weeks post op

Well that went really fast! I'm now at the point where I can remove the vest but I must say I'm becoming quite attached and think I'll wear it a couple more weeks!

I'm still really happy with my results. Things that I was not anticipating at this point:-
1. Still having a feeling of tenderness when touched
2. No feeling in my nipples
3. A fear of impact / intense training
4. Liking the compression and the garments
5. A feeling of tightness in my arm pit with my hands above my head
6. Having to hide compression vests and garments when people visit
7. Reading everybody else's experiences, even though I'm 'fixed'.

There's no new scar tissue, which is great but I still have a lump on both sides at the bottom. I'm not worried about this. If it doesn't go in a couple of months I'll call Mr Levick.

I'm massaging 3-4 times per day for 5-10 mins per time. This seems to be working ok for me.

Its a little strange  but I don't think about my chest anywhere nearly as often as I used too. This is probably because I'm not conscious of hiding it or worrying about pending surgery. This must be how it feels to be 'fixed'!

Offline Donut

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Hey Squire,

I'm 16 weeks today, and agree with all your points really... a lot of them still apply to me now.  Sensitivity is returning slowly - if I try testing the area with a pin to see if there is any feeling, the area with no feeling is definitely shrinking down now. Don't know if full feeling will come back or not - seems to for some guys, not for others, but can take a year or more.

I wore compression 24/7 for 3 months - still stick one on now sometimes if I'm doing heavy physical stuff. I do have better posture now and walk around a lot more upright, shoulders back etc., which I think has a lot to do with 3 months in the vests forcing it, as opposed to me conciously sticking out my chest.

...and evidently I'm still reading everyone else's experiences although being 'fixed' !!

Even though I look fine in a t-shirt now, I'm still constanly concious of going out in town in one, constantly checking in shop windows, car windows, anything reflective to make sure I'm still 'flat' - there's some weird sub-concious thing that obviously hasn't got used to the idea that the moobs have gone!

Offline Squire

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7 weeks post op,

Very little change for me this week but I have had a significant reduction in the tenderness of the chest, this has given me the confidence to train for the first time in 7weeks. I trained hard and pushed myself and I was really happy to say that I felt no pain or discomfort at all. I found the movement above my arms a little restricted when shoulder pressing. It was pleasing to catch a view of myself in the gym wearing the same kit for the first time post op without breasts! It also made stretching and running in a group easier because I didn't have to hide my chest. I wore an under armour vest underneath which gave a good amount of support. I'm al little sore from the lack of exercise in the past 7 weeks but feel that from today I am back to normal, although I am choosing to continue wearing the macom vest during work hours (11-12 hours per day).

My nipples look smaller today but not sure if I'm just imagining it...! No real benefit in photos at this point, I'll update further at week 12 or so.


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