Author Topic: dont know what to believe???  (Read 3180 times)

Offline emerica2

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several posts that i read have said working out will help distract gyne.,and some other have said they make them stick out or hurt so what do i believe and if it does help what what r some work out techniques and diets???

Offline usernameX

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What ive read is that the only way to actually make JUST fat (not actually breast tissue) go away is by diet. Now, IF you have gyno if wont go away. BUT if you have alot of muscle there is will make your gyno look better. My brother has a fairly muscular chest and his gyno doesnt really look that bad at all but you can tell its there if you look.
Had surgery with Dr. J.C. Fielding on August 2nd.

Offline Paa_Paw

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I know of no exercises that will have any effect on Gynecomastia.

The distinction between "pseudo" and "true" gyne is a rather stupid argument since the effects are emotional rather than physical and the effect is the same in either case.  Besides, it is difficult if not impossible to tell since sometimes fatty tissue seeems fibrous and glandular tissue can be soft.  Even good surgeons have been fooled.  

Weight loss will somtimes have significant effect on breast size,  but sometimes not as well.

Having your weight in an apropriate range and being physically fit are things you can do to make yourself a better surgical candidate if that is what you decide to do.  
Grandpa Dan

Offline emerica2

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thanx for the advice probably going to watch my diet,try to be more active and do some simple weight lifting like does that sound?

Offline usernameX

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Thats an awesome start budd:) If you want lose fat cardio or light training is the best for losing fat. Lighting heavy weights will only make you bigger and more bulky.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Right on!

Aerobics is better for weight control though weight training can help you deal with the idiots who might tease.

Offline Worrier

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Well In My opinion if your gyne is composed mainly of fat there is a lot you can do. Weight loss will make the breast smaller but it will not get rid of the glandular tissue. Weight loss will burn the fat generally all over your body. Don't expect though your chest to go straight away.

I lost weight on myface, hips arms and arse before anything else. I still have a bit of fat to lose on my chest and stomach but it is less and Iam going to wait until I have a six pack before  making a decison about a privaqte PS as Iam a bit strapped for cash ;D.As it does not ,look like the NHS will do it.

With regards to weight training It has certainly helped me look better genrally and given me confidence. Because I have built up muscle I look like I have large pecs now rather than  teenage girls breasts, The only thing I don't like is a puffy nip on one side when I take my t-shirt off.Plus as Paw paw says weight training may mean people leave you alone if you are built like a brick outhouse. Although I have always been a very big lad (6ft three and large framed) and even when It was noticable before the weight loss no one said a word, ( too my face anyway ;D)

Offline IlluminaZero

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If you have a mild case of Gynecomastia, then developing the shoulder/chest muscles may make your Gynecomastia look near unnoticable with a shirt... This is especially true with nipple stimulation.

That is my experience, anyways.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2005, 07:02:52 PM by IlluminaZero »


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