I found this surgeon thanks to this website so I think it's only fair that I give my review here as well.
I first contacted her husband Jeremy and he gave me very detailed information about how I should prepare for surgery and all the related information.
From the moment I landed in Berlin I had transport and everything else arranged by Jeremy - Once in Szczecin they drove me to the very nice hotel that they also arranged for me.
Next day their agent(awesome guy called Tomek) came to pick me up and drove me around to get blood test,ultrasound and latter to the clinic where I had consultation with Dr. Clark and latter surgery.
Few words about her;
It's immediately obvious that she is very experienced and knowledgeable about gyno, she will explain all the risks to you in detail, she even gave me exact statistics. - I got a feeling that she is not the kind of person that would try and give false promises or try to sugarcoat anything. She is also open,talkative .... Someone that I wasn't afraid to be cut by after "lights go off"

About surgery:
After we were done with consultation and I signed all the papers, I got on the table, talked a little with anesthesia guy and the next thing I remember is waking up in my bed after surgery was done. They told me it went well and that I should lie on my back entire night.
First night was pretty bad, I was forced to sleep on my back in pretty tight compression west - Nurse also didn't speak good English( but that wasn't that big of a problem, we were able to communicate) and there was this Polish lady next to me that had all kind of problems during the night.
Second night I slept at the hotel at it was amazing, back pain was pretty much gone and I am still not feeling any chest pain.
We only put compression west off for second time today and I couldn't be happier with results. I have to admit that I saw some slight asymmetry at first but Dr Clark told me that's probably due to swelling.
So far I am very happy with my decision to come here, will ask her to send me pictures that she took before surgery so I can show you guys before/after.
Total cost with traveling(by air) and everything else, including surgery will probably be around €2600 for me. But don't let the price fool you, in terms of quality I honestly can't see how I could even get better result.