Author Topic: 16 Days Post OP question  (Read 2512 times)


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I'm 16 days post OP and incredibly happy with the results so far.

I just have a question, does ALL scar tissue need to be removed with the needle, or does most sort itself out with time? There's some hard lumps (not really noticeable at all but I can feel them) on each side close to the armpit and under the nipple.

Is this just swelling? My Dr. advised me that I can take the compression vest off as of Tuesday, May 20th, which will be 20 days post OP.

Offline sjwsjw

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When the chest area is comfortable to touch you should begin to massage it. Gentle circular motion around the chest.

I used bio oil, worked well and helps reduce scarring. I did it once a day for 20mins or so and once it's healed a few weeks you'll be able to 'mould' the scar tissue into a flatter, less visible shape before it gets too hard.

It really loosens the area up and after a few days you get quite into it xD


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Here's a 6 week POST OP  update


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