Author Topic: loose skin  (Read 2028 times)

Offline post-op-success

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after my surgery I can say the surgeon did a very good job at getting all the fat and mamarry tissue out (he did the additional nipple incision) but there is still a detail that really annoys me. the skin around my nipples is a bit loose, so the nipple itself tends to drop and make a pointy shape. because of it even after the surgery my breasts poke out from behind of my t-shirt. it's been 4.5 months now, and in that time I lost about 20 pounds (weightlifting, dieting) so I am about sure there is zero fat left on my breasts and it's only the skin issue. even though I am way more satisfied with my body I am still uncomfrtoable without a shirt on because of the pointy nipples. if I flex my pecs it kinda fixes them but I can't be doing that continuously obviously.

is the loose skin likely to stretch out by itself, if not what are my options?

Offline post-op-success

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pic: see annoying pointyness

Offline thetodd

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4.5 months aint long man, a year on youl have a better idea on whats going on. The pic looks good to me to be honest cant see any loose skin.
Surgery With Alex Karidis - 16/05/09 - Completed!


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