Author Topic: My long journey with gyno  (Read 3077 times)

Offline chiguy10

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I'm in my mid 60's now and have lived with gyno since my early teens.
Like many of you I cringed when situations came up where I had to bare my chest. Though a fairly good athlete, I avoided locker rooms like the plague after one of my teammates nicknamed me "breasts".
Shirts and skins were for other guys. I'd feign injury if I was picked to be on the "skins".
 I retreated in to the never take your shirt off under any circumstances crowd. I found women were more accepting but still kept things very closeted.
 In the early 90's I heard of liposcution and tried that with no tangible results.
 I just assumed I'd have to spend the rest of my life this way......until I stumbled on to Merle Yost the founder of this site I believe. if you haven't yet looked at his results do so. He's a remarkable pioneer.
 As a result now in the past two years I've found a glimmer of hope. I've lost 40 + pounds and gone to see 4 different doctors with some really wide divergence of opinion. The results were as follows:

 1) 3 of the 4 diagnosed my case as severe.
 2) Their prices for surgery ranged from a low of 6500 to a high of 23,000.
 3) 2 would perform the surgery in their offices, the other 2 in a hospital.
 4)I was charged for consultation by 3 of the 4. Highest charge was 350.
I think I've setttled on an out of state surgeon who's not featured on this board but has been doing this procedure since the early 80's.
 I'm hoping to lose a few more pounds and have it done the end of the year.
When I make my final decision I'll try to post before and after pics here.
At my age you only get one shot at this so I'm doing all the due diligence I can.

I want to thank all of you here. Without this site I doubt I would have ever found the information and the courage to pursue this.

Offline jakewardell

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That's pretty thorough due diligence right there!

I also think it's great that you're preparing to free yourself from this after living with it for so long so kudos to you for that.

Great example for others who are thinking about taking action.

Offline chiguy10

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Thanks for the good wishes.
 Wish this information had been available 30 years ago.
Doing something is long overdue.

Offline jakewardell

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I know - At 22 I probably took it for granted that I could just have a quick Google and find a trusty surgeon for a fair price.

Never a good time to have gynecomastia of course but the modern day has made it easier to do something about it.

Offline chiguy10

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Well it took me a lot longer than I thought and went in a different direction than I had first imagined BUT it all worked out spectacularly!
I had my surgery with Dr. Delgado December 12 of last year.
The results are astounding. I've tried to upload before and after photos but as usual I'm a klutz on the computer.
I'll eventually figure it out and get them here.
For those of you with severe cases like mine please don't give up hope.
I look in the mirror now each morning and grin ear to ear.
Aside from scars I now have a NORMAL chest!!
He did an outstanding job---I'll be forever grateful I took the time and due diligence.
I made the right choice.

Offline matthaig

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Your story inspires me. I just got my quote for surgery at $12.500 Australian dollars. I have the money but it will leave me short. I am 53 and this problem has really bothered me and held me back severely for over 30 years. Im still not sure if I should go ahead, but I know I need to really.

Offline HairyKnockers

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You said the quotes you received on your surgery were between $6,500 and $23,000.  The $6,500 sounds in about the range I have heard, maybe a little more at times.  I really must ask, what on earth were they going to do for $23,000; build you a whole new body?  That is by far the most expensive estimate I have heard on this site.

Offline chiguy10

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My surgery was in effect a mastectomy of sorts. It took 6+ hours. Pretty radical but as I said the results are spectacular. I have a flat, normal chest.
The 6500 I knew was not going to be appropriate for what needed to be done.
It ended up at a little over 18,000 and in my view worth every penny.
I'm 69 years old----that's about 260/year. The increased self esteem and freedom from worry, anxiety and embarrassment over taking off my shirt-------PRICELESS!

Offline SmokeyNYY

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Awesome! Post some pics when you figure out how!
I also had a severe case and it cost me 12,000$
But it was worth every friggin penny and I look amazing now. Check out my pics under user photos if you are curious

Offline chiguy10

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Thanks guy--you look terrific!


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