Author Topic: What could have caused my Gynecomastia?  (Read 3842 times)

Offline finsfan16

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Hi guys. Glad I can finally post something on here lol. I've been dying to get some opinions on what might have caused my gynecomastia. It's more like puffy nips actually, 4 cm in diameter I believe; but it's still mentally distressing. I got my hormones checked but I intend to get them re-tested when I have the time; school's starting up and I can't handle the stress of this while focusing on academics.

Anyhow I have about 3 leads, but none are foolproof and I don't completely buy them. What do you all think?
1.) Chronic dieting starting at 10 yo. I distinctly remember dieting to lose about 15 lbs prior to 6th grade to impress girls, being the naive and determine boy that I was, I took drastic measures. Skipping meals for about 2 months and sometimes starving myself throughout the day to lose weight. It worked and I lost weight. I skipped lunch for the first semester of 6th grade to save money, second semester of sixth grade I remember that I became more inhibited and more moody. I started wearing undershirts to conceal my chest some. 7th grade- my gyno got to the present state and I was overweight which made it look worse, I also was way more sensitive and self-conscious than ever at this point. I dieted again during the summer after 7th grade and lost some weight, prior to 9th grade I dropped about 40 lbs in 2 months, as a result I remember having a poorer mood that year and making less friends. 10th grade- (only year of HS I enjoyed) I worked out and began eating healthy and not skipping meals= Better mood, more friends, 3.7 GPA. Junior year- Started skipping lunch again and stuffing myself after school, I started feeling like shiite! I developed deep anxiety, brain fog, and I gained about 40 lbs during the school year. I found out just this year, that I have celiacs and I was experiencing the symptoms of this beginning of junior year. I lost weight again by the same old method during the summer before Senior year, I think I dropped about 10- 20 lbs I think. Fast forward to now, I'm 19 and I have dropped from 210 to 164; the right way may I add, my diet is nearly perfect and it is gluten free! I feel better, my thoughts feel sharp, I feel stronger and more endured. This all leads me to believe that my chronic dieting throughout my life has inhibited testosterone production in me, seeing how I feel fantastic now when eating right, but yet I still have these damn moobs.
2.) Genetics- My brother has gyno too, however, I think he has pseudo, not sure. Must be some correlation right? He's really self-conscious about it too, he also has low T (272 total), at 25 btw. My dad and me also gather fat in our stomach and lower back (symptoms of low T I believe).
3.) Celiacs? Maybe, could it have some correlation? I didn't develop the symptoms of this till 16 I think, but who knows, maybe I had a milder form of it when I was younger. Maybe the malnutrition of it played a part in suppressing testosterone.
4.) Medication- Not very likely, but maybe. I distinctly remember using a prescription hair loss foam when I was 10 because I had a bald spot on the top of my head. I'm not sure of the name of this product, I need to look into it.

Test Results:
Total Testosterone: 400
LH- 5.8
FSH- 2.0

I was scared that I had Klinefelters but after abundant hypochondriasis induced researching I think it's safe to rule this out. I have normal testis, and normal FSH and LH; the 2 most prevalent diagnosing criteria. I even visited a genetic counselor who told me that it's extremely unlikely, like less than a percent chance of having it due to aforementioned reasons.  My testosterone is still somewhat low I fear, I think I might have effed it up with malnutrition; or maybe I do have a serious problem. Can anyone provide any insight on this. Thanks in advance guys.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Most Gynecomastia is idiopathic. That is of course a medical term that roughly translates to: "Your guess is as good as mine." The secondary definition seems to be: "I dunno."

If Gynecomastia occurs well after puberty, the cause is usually easier to pin down.
Grandpa Dan


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Why even care "Why" you got it, you now just need to decide "what" you're going to do with/or about it, accept or surgery?

Offline blindelation

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My dad had it the same age when mine started. Only his went away on its own.

Offline finsfan16

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Why even care "Why" you got it, you now just need to decide "what" you're going to do with/or about it, accept or surgery?
I guess I got all worked up, looking at all the scary shit that causes it. I think I'm just going to say screw it and take the dive and have the surgery. I didn't care for the past 5 years, it was just recently that my dad said he would pay for it; and one of the things people say is to find a root cause.


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Moving forward in one way or another is a great direction to go, good luck!

Offline Paa_Paw

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If the condition traces back to puberty, it is unlikely that you will ever put a reason on it.  There is more success finding a cause and effect relationship when the condition arises in an adult.

Various diseases could be involved but the most common causes in adults would be side effects of medications.

Athletes and Body builders frequently play games with steroid drugs and get Gynecomastia as a result.

Medications to stop or prevent balding can cause the condition.

Testosterone boosters can cause it.

Medications for prostate problems can cause it.

Even some medications to control blood pressure are thought to be a problem.

Some mood control drugs and tranquilizers have been found to cause it.

Offline jakewardell

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There's definitely a case for it being slightly genetic in my opinion - I've had it and just got rid of it and my brother will do the same in a couple of years time when he's old enough.

I think the bottom line is that if you've had it for as long as you remember then it's more a case of bad luck than anything else and like someone above said, it's not really about how it happened it's about what happens next.

Offline finsfan16

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There's definitely a case for it being slightly genetic in my opinion - I've had it and just got rid of it and my brother will do the same in a couple of years time when he's old enough.

I think the bottom line is that if you've had it for as long as you remember then it's more a case of bad luck than anything else and like someone above said, it's not really about how it happened it's about what happens next.
yea you're right. I was just getting scared reading shit on the internet. KS really scared the living hell out of me, thank god for my normal balls!

Offline Paa_Paw

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I once saw a comprehensive list of drugs that had gynecomastia as a possible side effect. The list contained over 200 entries.


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