Author Topic: hormonal levels and gynecomastia  (Read 1467 times)

Offline Tillman

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I am 19 years old and first remember noticing my unusual breasts at around 11 or 12. they continued to get worse as i got older, even when i was around 10 percent body fat, playing sports, and working out during high school. after high school i put on a lot of weight first semester at college hitting 205 at 6 feet tall. i have since dropped down to 180 and look and feel much better but my chest refuses to go away. ive done all the research and read mulitple books and have tried many things, unsuccessfully i might add. from my research i notice a strong correlation between hormonal imbalance of estrogen and testoterone. From about the time when i first started to notice my chest i also noticed  my left testicle didnt look or feel like the other one. it is smaller than the other and sorrounded by some tube like veins or something. i went to the doctor about this and he kinda blew it off saying it was sweilling but i have had it for nearly 8 years. i got an ultrasound on it just to make sure everything was okay but after weeks of not hearing back i called to ask what the results were i got a rushed response from the secretary saying "everything was good" and that was it. while this may have answered my fear of testicular cancer i still wanted to know what was wrong and see if it could in any way be affecting my testoterone levels and be either the cause or an influence to my man boobs.

My actual pectoral muscle is developed and you feel it at the top and if i flex it but there seems to be fat deposits or tissue(im not sure if its psuedo or normal gyno) on my lower chest.

Has anyone ever heard or had a similar experience like mine? or have any insightful tips on howto proceed? I asssume my next step would be to somehow test my hormone levels but i thought id ask here. PLEASE LET ME KNOW, ANYTHING HELPS!

Offline headheldhigh01

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the pics say mild gyne, probably 1-2 on a 10 scale but that's all it takes to start causing you problems, thank god we all don't have to be tens  ;) 

some difference in the nuts is normal, but sounds like a case for a second opinion.  if the endo tests come up unusual, that would be a basis for maybe checking into it more.  also it doesn't have to be cancer, it can be more "benign" things too. 

good luck, say how it goes. 

* a man is more than a body will ever tell
* if it screws up your life the same, is there really any such thing as "mild" gyne?

Offline Paa_Paw

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I suspect that your hormones are now completely normal. What caused the breast growth was probably an "event" that occurred years ago in very early puberty. As you developed, the hormones would have normalized. I really believe that most of us have a similar history.

When the condition arises later in life, the story would be very different. 
Grandpa Dan


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