Author Topic: Surgery a week and a half ago..hardness and open wound.  (Read 3967 times)

Offline veritaz

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I had surgery on December 8th. Coming up on 2 weeks post op. I was told there was a good amount of bleeding during surgery (I could tell, as they were cauterizing for it seems like half of the surgery). Said to take it easy and I've been doing my best.

Well he took the compressed dressing off a few days after surgery, it seemed the swelling really went up following the undressing.

My left areola has a slight open wound, and seems to be bleeding at a very slow rate, around the clock. So I just keep reapplying band aids. My right areola is all stitched up with no openings, but the swelling is much more pronounced.

He told me it's ok that the wound is open, so it can drain. But to me it seems like the scar would be worse because of all of the filled in space it needs to cover.

I've driven to him 3 times already since the surgery, and 2 of those times he stuck my with a syringe and squeezed painfully, I guess removing fluids built up.

I'm just really worried about 1) the open wound and 2) the hardness under my areola and around it. My boobs are at least 3 times as big, pointy, and firm than before the surgery. And I had very very minor gyno (puffy nipples).

Before the Surgery:

11 days after surgery:

Open wound bleeding:

My follow up is in another 10 days. But when I try to ask questions, it seems he gives vague answers and I don't know if there's anything else he should be doing, or I should be doing. 7 grand is a lot of money and I don't want it to go to waste.

Offline veritaz

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And as a side note, I put some iodine solution right before applying the band aid, so it looks a bit brown. Even though the wound does in fact get "whitish yellowish" sometimes. I figured he would have told me yesterday if it was in fact an infection. So I'm just following his move.

Offline veritaz

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Just an update, if anyone happens to read...

The one with the open wound is actually healing nicely. The wound is much smaller now, and there is very minimal swelling.

As for the other side that you see in the picture. It got infected about 4 days ago, and I got it sliced and drained yesterday and put on antibiotics. My original PS was on vacation so I'm glad there was another doctor to cover, and he did a good job.

So it's unfortunate....and the scar tissue underneath that nipple is very pronounced. The nipple itself it totally cone shaped and hard, much worse than before surgery. Hoping that it clears up, and if not I guess I have no choice by to get some kind of steroid injection.

Offline Dr. Schuster

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I read your posts and thought I would comment. Yes, it looks like you had an infection and it as good that you got on the right treatment. I'm glad that things are improving for you. Follow your surgeon's instructions and chances are that you will be fine. Your swelling and firmness will probably last a bit longer on the side that was infected. Hang in there.

Dr. S
Dr. Schuster
Chief, Division of Plastic Surgery Northwest Hospital
Private practice in Baltimore, Maryland
10807 Falls Road
Lutherville, Maryland 21093

Offline DrPensler

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    • gynecomastiachicago
If both sides are much larger than preop, along with your history of bleeding it sounds likely that there was /is bilateral hematoma formation. The clot ( hematoma ) tends to liquify over seven to ten days.Drainage through the incision appears like dark red wine. The most expeditious treatment is removal of the clot and compression  to prevent reaccumulation.Clot is a great medium for bacteria so there is always a risk for infection. The opening of the periareolar incision surprisingly heals quite well with time.I know thats hard to believe looking at the opening.These problems typically do well with time so stay in touch with your physician so he can monitor you closely and adjust your treatment as necessary..
Jay M. Pensler,M.D.
680 North Lake Shore Drive
suite 1125
Chicago,Illinois 60611
(312) 642-7777


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