Author Topic: Treatment recommendations?  (Read 1171 times)


  • Guest
I am 55 and a healthy weight with no medical issues other than the following:

I have gynecomastia, lack of energy, no sex drive, ED, and thinning body hair.

My GP ran quite a few tests - the pertinent results are:

Testosterone = 781 ng/dl
Testost Free = 87 pg/ml
Testost % free = 1.1%
SHBG = 80 nmol/l
Estradiol = 34.77 pg/ml

After seeing an endocrinologist, 5 more tests were done:

Prolactin = 5.0 ng/ml
LH = 2.7 munit/ml
FSH = 3.3 munit/ml
Free Thyroxine = 1.09 ng/dl
Beta hCG = <1.2 munit/ml

In the initial consultation with the endocrinologist, he offered tamoxifen which I did not want to go on for several reasons.

Any doctors want to diagnose or recommend treatment options I should push for at my follow up with the endocrinologist?



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