Author Topic: My Uncontested Repulsiveness  (Read 6250 times)


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Get your hormones tested.  High estrogen can cause red spots on some guys.


Offline hyphonym

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Get your hormones tested.  High estrogen can cause red spots on some guys.


i appreciate your comment, but...
for the third time, those red spots are a skin condition known as Psoriasis.  i have had this diagnosed by multiple dermatologists.  the treatment i have for it reduces the symptoms, which is why you only see little round red dots, rather than big white scaley patches of it.  

they are not pimples, and they are not a result of high estrogen.  whether or not i actually have high estrogen is beyond me, but it has nothing to do with the psoriasis.

thanks again.  

Offline hyphonym

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Hey man don't worry about your minor psorasis. I don't know if there is a proper cure for that or not but, it doesn't look that bad. Some people have really nice skin but, most guys have bumpy, lumpy, and rougher skin with imperfections. Man I hear ya about gyne bothering you that much. You said you felt disks behind your nipples. I won't lie like most people and say they will go away with gaining weight and excercising. You have glandular gyne like I expected and it may be minor. It bothers you get the surgery you sound like you want it and it would help. I got so frustrated with my medical case of gyne and the pain from the glands that I don't care about the scars or any risks. I am not afraid anymore. If you want it go and get it. You won't die getting this surgery. And in the end by getting it you will probably feel better about yourself. Remember it is about how you feel. Not others. Think about what you want. Don't listen to others. If you want the surgery or your gyne gone go out and find your answer. I am glad I started and now am 1 step away from surgery. I just won't let anything hold me back anymore. Try something with your psorasis. There has got to be something to help. Look for the answer man I can't stress it enough. I always looked for people to help me and was always going with slow approaches. I got fed up with my bad acne and gyne to the point of near suicide. I took care of my acne because after 5 years I found something that worked. You just need to find the answer what will work for you? Eating more protein and gaining another 10 pounds would probably be beneficial for you. A little more muscle would help as well. I was really small and scrawny with a moderate of case of gyne at one time and made myself into a stronger person with a mild case. I did what I could but, could beat the pain and gland. So now I am going to have surgery. I spent 7 years on my problems fighting and clawing to get them solved crying some days. When I finally got rid of my acne I was happy but, not satisfied. I am not looking for perfection but, my gyne was a huge problem. I was afraid to tell anyone about it. I got it out. Went to the doc confirmed I had a medical case of gyne. My hormones and levels were normal. The problems were my glands. I am now 2 weeks away from getting my surgery approved by insurance. Everything has been cleared up. I would have never gotten this far without you guys. So man sorry for the long post but, take care of your problems as fast as possible and don't hold back. You won't regret it in the end. Do what it takes push yourself to the limits. I don't care what people say anymore and how they look at me. Those people who rate me because I have gyne or look a certain way or talk a certain way don't know me. Just ignore the idiots push through, and take care of your problems. Don't be a perfectionist but, if it affects your life take care of it. I cannot stress it enough. This gyne made me break down too many times. I always wondered what I could do? I didn't know what I had. You now Know what you have. So what you can do is take what you now know and put it in motion and take care of your problems. Don't stop man. Beat it and end the pain. There is a point when enough is enough you are bothered by your gyne so battle and beat it. Crush that gyne and win. Go take care of it, feel better about yourself, gain more confidence and enjoy the rest of your life. I also understand about dating and the bs from friends. Mine taunted me for years about it relentlessly. I still never have forgot it. It affected my dating relationships. I only had about 4 girlfriends my whole life. My insecurites about my chest held me back and made me cold and insecure. Do something, don't hold back, boost your confidence, get new friends, new girls, enjoy life, and crush that gyne. Good luck man and sorry for the long post but, I can't stress taking care of your  problems enough. If you don't like it or it holds you back deal with it and push through. Good luck

Your words are very kind.  Thank you so much for the encouragement.

I hope your surgery goes well.  I'm happy for you!

Offline Docsaiditsnormal

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hey man, you need to do some liver flushes it looks like. you might be able to cure your psoriasis is a few weeks.

go to this web site and erad all about liver flushes.  have done 6 of them so far and i dont get pimples any more. 

  heres a discription.

i would recomend just doing the hulda clark method. thats what most people use.   it may help you ballance your weight better.   hers the hulda clark method

take some time to read up on it. its very safe and you cant go wrong. and it doesnt cost much.

Offline Docsaiditsnormal

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   oh and i forgot. just ask them if they think flushing the liver could help your condition. some one there may have more experience than i do.  ;)


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