Author Topic: Just had surgery  (Read 5489 times)

Offline Drastic99

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this is him right here..,xxx=0&id=695&action=detail&dr_no=1946

I think I went to that site when searching for an email link for him. I wanted to email him about pricing. I found one site that you had to fill out something and they email him but it's very bad and didnt work.

I would love to find an email acct for him. He has a website but it's very minor and has no contact links on it at all.

Offline wasatchm

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so were you awake during the entire procedure.  were you completely coherent at the end of the surgery.  

I'm gonna request local anethesia and am hoping to avoid having to find transportion from the surgeons office back to my place (which would have to provide if I was given general anethesia).

by the way, should the surgery be any cheaper if I request local anethesia (vs. general).  the PS quoted me $4700  (but that was with general anethesia included).  I would like to shave 400-500 dollars of the total cost if possible  

Offline Swim

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so were you awake during the entire procedure.  were you completely coherent at the end of the surgery.  

I'm gonna request local anethesia and am hoping to avoid having to find transportion from the surgeons office back to my place (which would have to provide if I was given general anethesia).

by the way, should the surgery be any cheaper if I request local anethesia (vs. general).  the PS quoted me $4700  (but that was with general anethesia included).  I would like to shave 400-500 dollars of the total cost if possible  

Yup I was awake and normal the whole time, just with a numb chest!!  I just got up and walked out of there right after he was done haha.

Not sure if it would be cheaper, i didnt have a choice.  But by reading around the boards it sounds like it is cheaper to get local instead of general

Offline wasatchm

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so did they give you only one shot in each breast to numb it?  did they stick the needle through the arola area or stick the needle in at an angle?  I figure if they stick the needle through the arola it's gonna be more painful than stick it just along the end of the arola.

I have a large amount of gyne tissue on one side and would hope I only need one shot to numb the whole area.  I would assume that once you are given the shot the anethesia then expands in all directions in order to number a large area.

thanks for all the info

Offline Swim

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so did they give you only one shot in each breast to numb it?  did they stick the needle through the arola area or stick the needle in at an angle?  I figure if they stick the needle through the arola it's gonna be more painful than stick it just along the end of the arola.

I have a large amount of gyne tissue on one side and would hope I only need one shot to numb the whole area.  I would assume that once you are given the shot the anethesia then expands in all directions in order to number a large area.

thanks for all the info

first he gave a regular numbing shot, probably like if you were at the dentist on each side..  then after that numbed it up a little, he stuck a bigger needle in each side attached to a suringe (sp) full of anestia (not sure point of entry.  he'd squize some liquid in, turn it to a different place, while in the same hole ans squeeze more in until he made it all 360 degrees around (this was the most painful part, because it expanded everything in the chest).  Then he did the same to the other side.

Not sure if you might need more shots or not. i'm small, 5'9, 135, and had mostly only these glands.  He did do lipo after to make sure the nipple wouldnt cave in.  I'm still bruised from that.  but the swelling goes down every day!

Offline wasatchm

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so is medical procedures fairly cheap in oregon?  from what I have heard oregon is liberal (which is complete opposite from where I live.. UT).  just curious if that had anything to do with getting such a great price on the surgery.  healthcare costs are so expensive these days.  

I have major gyne (especially on one side)... probably close to baseball size (see pic below).

I'm sure I have a pretty large area that needs to be numbed (especially on the one side).  I don't mind needles being stuck in me.  I just don't want a needle stuck in me many times in many different places if it hurts like hell.  I mean, I've had shots before and it's no big deal.  but I'm sure the large syring needle injecting will be more painful (should be able to handle it though if it is neccessary).  I don't mind going through some pain as long as they do it fast.  once I am completely numb and they cut me open and start removing breast tissue I think it will be smooth sailing.  

I'd really don't want to be fully awake during surgery (although I would still take that option over general anethesia).  I would like some kind of light or moderate sedation.  I think my surgery will take 2- 2 1/2 hrs and that's a long time to lay down on an operating table and stare at the ceiling.  it could be a long 2 - 2 1/2 hrs.    
so were you sedated at all?  were you offered any type of sedation?  if so, what was it?  

thanks for all the helpful info.



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