Author Topic: Mr Levick - 8th April 2015  (Read 11320 times)

Offline textilemerchant

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Nice one! You will be all sorted for summer :)

Offline wbay21

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Here's the latest picture. As you can see some of the bruising is clearing quite well now. Happy so far!

Offline wbay21

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Nice one! You will be all sorted for summer :)

Thank you, I certainly hope so, it's looking promising!

Offline BossManG

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Looking great man Nipples shrunk too

Offline wbay21

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Looking great man Nipples shrunk too

Thanks, it's weird they're like little dots now, lol!

Offline wbay21

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Fifteen days later (two of which back at work).
I'm feeling very comfortable now, there was some scabbing on the armpit incisions which fell off after some cleaning in the shower. They don't appear to be as healed as I'd hoped so I've taken the advice here and popped some Germolene on in the last day or two. That seems to be helping.

The bruising is just taking forever to go but on the plus side I don't seem to have any fluid issues yet.

Offline mr_m101

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Looks like it's healing up nicely. How did you find going back to work?

Offline lc98

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Looks really good! Bruising has gone down a hell of a lot since your first photo though. I just stood up a minute ago and the pain in my chest is really coming out now; feels so tender. Trying not to move much.. It made me feel a bit nauseous too. How has recovery been for you in terms of regaining mobility and soreness ect?

Offline wbay21

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Looks like it's healing up nicely. How did you find going back to work?

I have a sedentary job so there isn't much of a physical aspect to it. The air con was broken so it got a little hot with the Spanx under shirt, the Veronique #640, my work shirt and a pullover to hide it all.  :-\  Driving to and from work was manageable. In fact I was feeling much better by the thirteenth day post op.

Offline wbay21

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Looks really good! Bruising has gone down a hell of a lot since your first photo though. I just stood up a minute ago and the pain in my chest is really coming out now; feels so tender. Trying not to move much.. It made me feel a bit nauseous too. How has recovery been for you in terms of regaining mobility and soreness ect?

Day 11-13 were the real turning point for me in terms of recovery. That's when I started to feel much better and have a much wider range of mobility that started to resemble something normal.

Today, being day 15 post op, I can take off and wear the Spanx under shirt (which is very tight) by myself - no family help needed. I'm off the painkillers although I have to say that I took some Ibuprofen as I was getting sore twinges around the nipples and the sides of my pecs, these subsided.

Offline AchillesUK

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Good to read there's no fluid build up, as that can delay recovery.

You seem to be making good progress overall :)

Offline wbay21

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Good to read there's no fluid build up, as that can delay recovery.

You seem to be making good progress overall :)

Thank you. I've had no alcohol ( I don't drink) and no need to stress my body. Exercise is off until I heal although I have noticed that the pecs I thought I had don't actually exist. Blimey. >:(

So far, things seem to be progressing well. Time will tell, of course.

Offline wbay21

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So here we are twenty days post op.

There have been no real issues at all. Everything feels fairly comfortable since my last post except for goosebump attacks that I really feel...sometimes to the point of being painful. However I welcome this as I know that I feel "something" in some areas so my nerves aren't that shot, especially since the operation thirty years ago practically disconnected all nerves there.

Also, my nipples must have exuded a discharge over the last couple of days, must be from the fluid build up or something. It presented as dry flakes around the nipples and came off during normal showering. It's the first time I have noticed it so I don't know if it happened on other occasions.

My routine is to wear the SPANX compression t-shirt pretty much all of the time, for work I wear the #640 Veronique and when I get home I replace it with the binder until the next day. I get as much compression as I can while balancing with work.

I think I'm happy so far. It all seems to be settling down, positioning of nipples is a little wonky I think but I really don't care at this stage.  :)

Offline wbay21

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Hi all
Mr Levick has seen the Day 20 pics and has written to say that my progress so far is good.

Things are looking really good for this stage and there doesn't seem to be any fluid although the bruising hasn't faded completely.  You can relax with the pressure now and leave it off during the day, putting it back on at night will help to squeeze it away- and if you get a significant enlargement during the day, revert to 24 hour pressure again.  The problem with double surgery is the lymphatics have had an extra battering which can mean longer recovery time.  So see how it goes and please keep me posted

It's Day 24, so yesterday I just used the SPANX compression vest throughout the day and had the #640 Veronique on at night, today I have no compression on at all but will apply compression at nights on the advice of Mr Levick. Feeling good so far but have a little tightness when stretching so I'm not stretching! lol. I can't wait for the next couple of weeks to pass then I'll attack the extra weight that needs to be exercised away.

Offline mr_m101

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Blimey, what a difference a week makes. Glad it's going well. You're going to have a great Summer :)


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