Author Topic: New Look Of The Site  (Read 3173 times)

Offline skinny-s

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Wow I like the new look, much easier to read.


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Bob, this is a mobile friendly format. This also was perfect timing as we dropped our Internet service as of yesterday and went to using our smart phones only! As it was that's what we were using 95% of the time anyway so why pay for something you don't need. We have unlimited Internet and 3gig hot spot with each phone so if Debbie works from home she can use either phones hot spot for that. If we need more hot spot we can get more as we need it if we do.

Offline Paa_Paw

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It looks nice but I'll have to spend a little time and figure out how to navigate through it.  I am a bit put off by the fact that it is totally different and I do not know my way around. 
Grandpa Dan


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I have total faith the you will master it in very little time my friend!



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I don't like it.  It is harder to navigate and not knowing the date of original thread and last date of updates suck.

Offline froger

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I'm wondering if there are any user customization options for the forum.  I ask because I prefer to see read threads along with unread threads.  There are times I like to reread some threads.  I find it difficult to see all threads on a subfourm when only unread threads are displayed.
Yay, my first post.  I'm a professional lurker.

Edit: never mind I figured out clicking the form text as opposed to the icon does this.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2015, 10:50:51 PM by froger »


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