Author Topic: Hi all, introduction and quick question?  (Read 8912 times)

Offline ruggedtoast

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Directed at me?.

If so have heard all this rubbish before!...

Why does that not surprise me? How many more times do you need to hear it before it sinks in?

Let me spell it out for you and everyone else who may be reading this and thinking of following the path of the 'no regrets steroid use' crew.

If you take steroids then you risk:

   * High blood pressure and heart disease
   * Liver damage and cancers
   * Stroke and blood clots
   * Urinary and bowel problems, such as diarrhea
   * Headaches, aching joints, and muscle cramps
   * Nausea and vomiting
   * Sleep problems
   * Increased risk of ligament and tendon injuries
   * Severe acne, especially on face and back
   * Baldness
   * Reduced sperm count
   * Impotence
   * Increase in nipple and breast size (gynecomastia)
   * Enlarged prostate (gland that mixes fluid with sperm to form semen)
   * "Roid rage" - severe, aggressive behavior that may result in violence, such as fighting or destroying property
   * Severe mood swings
   * Hallucinations - seeing or hearing things that are not really there
   * Paranoia - extreme feelings of mistrust and fear
   * Anxiety and panic attacks
   * Depression and thoughts of suicide
   * An angry, hostile, or irritable mood

or put simply. If you take steroids to make your muscles grow you are bloody stupid.

Offline RRB

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How much can you honestly say you know about steroids, not what you have cut and pasted from a website ?

The point here is the guy was asking about gyne and not steroids, so there was no need for your off the cuff remark.
Surgery performed by Mr Paul Levick, 17/02/05. I am here to help.

Offline ruggedtoast

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How much can you honestly say you know about steroids, not what you have cut and pasted from a website ?

As I know enough not to self administer them for muscle growth, evidently more than you.
« Last Edit: September 27, 2005, 01:30:12 PM by ruggedtoast »

Offline chestrockwell

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Ok a little education is in order!.

"Asprin" is safe isnt it?, take a minuite to read them dont just dismiss the evidence!.

"Aspirin is not benign,". "Thousands of people die each year in the United States from complications related to taking aspirin and other NSAIDs.

"When you take aspirin, the level of stomach protection is decreased and you're more likely to bleed. Thus, people who take aspirin regularly - even in a buffered or coated form - will have roughly double the likelihood of having a perforated ulcer or bleeding in the GI tract".

a very safe everyday drug wouldnt you say? read this!.

Paracetamol is an exceedingly dangerous drug - in only mild over dosage (8 tabs - 4grms in one dose) it can cause total liver failure - deaths due to this usually in young people who do not understand the danger. Thats why they restricted the sales unit to 32 tabs per packet.  - 32 in one dose would be fatal!.

1,Damage to the liver
2,Blood disorders
3,Skin rashes
4,Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis)

Ok what about Alcohol youl love this

1,  Impair vision
2,  sexual function
3,  Impair circulation
4,  malnutrition
4, water retention (resulting in weight gain and bloating).
5,  pancreatitis and skin disorders (such as middle-age acne)
6, Piles (hemaroids)
7,  dilate blood vessels near the skin causing "brandy nose,"
8, weaken the bones and muscles
9,  decrease immunity
10, mental disturbances
11,  Alcohol is adictive
12, cirrhosis of the liver, Cirrhosis. Fibrous scar tissue forms in place of healthy cells, obstructing the flow of blood through the liver. Various functions of the liver deteriorate with often fatal results. (Found in 10 percent of alcoholics.)

13,Withdrawal can cause  (shakes, delirium tremens, and convulsions)
14, late-stage alcoholics usually succumb to insanity and death
15, alcohol can also cause gynecomastia (bet you didnt know that!.
16, Alcohol can cause fatty liver (enlargement of the liver)
17, alcohol can cause Alcoholic hepititis,Liver cells swell, become inflamed, and die, causing blockage. (Causes between 10 and 30 percent mortality rate.)
18, short term memory loss
19, Cancer of the osophegas (Throut) "Spelling"
21, Heart disease
22, diabeties
23, Brain damage
24, increase risk of bowel cancer

you see my point?, The so called accepted drugs we use everyday carry some horrific side effects i bet you didnt even know!

If you have taken asprin,paracetamol, or Alcohol you have put yourself at risk even more than me taking steroids, but you see these drugs are widley accepted and dont carry the stigma that steroids do resulting from years of Bad press.

My answer to your side effects!, if a drug is used and the person that is using these drugs doesnt know how to use them safely and doesnt take ancillery drugs to counter side effects they can have some of these side effects, most of these side effects will subside once steroids have been stopped, some of these side effects are possible but from long term abuse or extreamley high dosages!, but this is applicable to all drugs and medicens including alcohol.

your argument is flawed... you base your argument on somthing you cut and pasted from a web page, i base my argument on years of research and testimonials of people who have used them safely and also medical reports, i have spent hundreds of my hard earned cash on books, writeups, studies to learn how to use them safely can you say the same thing?...No you cant.

Im not trying to offend you in anyway, im not trying to condone the use of steroids either  .. i came hear for help and advice regarding BUPA and i was met with unnecessary sarcasm from someone who doesnt know the facts.
Ive got respect for the guys on hear even you, im sorry that my first thread has brought us in to conflict.. im sorry if what i have writen offended you or anybody .. you have all been good offering advice and help and i apreciate it i realy do.
so lets bring this to an end Now... we dont need to be argeuing we are all here for the same thing... are we not!.

I even managed to stop myself from going into a steroid induced rage ;D ;)

Offline RRB

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As I know enough not to self administer them for muscle growth, evidently more than you.

How can you say you know more than me when you have never met me, know nothing whatsoever about me ? You cut and paste symptoms from a webpage with nothing to back up your statements, you really are showing how much of an idiot you really are, and how much you think you know.  

As stated by myself and others on this thread the guy was looking for gyne info not sympathy for using steroids.  Your off the cuff remarks show how much of a prat you are.  Nuff said

Offline Yorkshireman

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Why does that not surprise me? How many more times do you need to hear it before it sinks in?

Let me spell it out for you and everyone else who may be reading this and thinking of following the path of the 'no regrets steroid use' crew.

If you take steroids then you risk:

   * High blood pressure and heart disease
   * Liver damage and cancers
   * Stroke and blood clots
   * Urinary and bowel problems, such as diarrhea
   * Headaches, aching joints, and muscle cramps
   * Nausea and vomiting
   * Sleep problems
   * Increased risk of ligament and tendon injuries
   * Severe acne, especially on face and back
   * Baldness
   * Reduced sperm count
   * Impotence
   * Increase in nipple and breast size (gynecomastia)
   * Enlarged prostate (gland that mixes fluid with sperm to form semen)
   * "Roid rage" - severe, aggressive behavior that may result in violence, such as fighting or destroying property
   * Severe mood swings
   * Hallucinations - seeing or hearing things that are not really there
   * Paranoia - extreme feelings of mistrust and fear
   * Anxiety and panic attacks
   * Depression and thoughts of suicide
   * An angry, hostile, or irritable mood

or put simply. If you take steroids to make your muscles grow you are bloody stupid.

And did you know gross ignorance such as yours can be fatal?

Offline ruggedtoast

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And did you know gross ignorance such as yours can be fatal?

lol.  Yeah Im shaking in my boots mate. That is priceless. Yeah I better not criticise steroid use any more or YORKSHIREMAN WILL COME AND KILL ME! lmfao!
« Last Edit: September 28, 2005, 08:59:05 AM by ruggedtoast »

Offline chestrockwell

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lol.  Yeah Im shaking in my boots mate. That is priceless. Yeah I better not criticise steroid use any more or YORKSHIREMAN WILL COME AND KILL ME! lmfao!

Thats not what he is saying!, read it through a few more times and it may become clear, i can tell by the way you come across that you are mentaly imature and dont listen, you have just lost the grasp of what i came here for... read from the top again, see how you just started to insult me for no reason then you copy and paste some hyped up symptoms from some "politicaly correct" web page, then see how i responded with  Risks about everyday drugs like asprin and paracetamol and alcohol, then you just totaly ingnore this and go back to being cheeky, disrespectful with no answer to what i have posted.

You are not here to help in the slightest are you?, you are just after an argument!.

Your last responce to yorkshireman shows exactley that you dont know how to interpret what people are saying to you, he wasnt saying he was going to kill you or even harm you in anyway.

You just want a rise out of him because you have tried to challenge my intelegence and couldnt even come close!, now you are focusing on somebody else who i can bet will do the same and pull your argument in to little pieces.. and show if you took a case like this to court based on the evidence you have provided you would be laughed right outa there, you dont even grasp the fundamental basics of a discusion, when you are faced with facts in a discusion you dont resort to name calling thats just childish and also shows that your case your trying to put across has crumbled away beneath you.. and left you embarrassed  and feeling inadequate at your feeble atempt to put a well planned argument across.

Ive tried to be diplomatic and take it on the chin, but i can see that you are imature and an argumentative idividual and i would be gratefull if you wouldnt post on any of my threads again.. and i will do the same for you, unless you are going to be a genuine help and your help would be welcomed, even at this late stage i am giving you a chance to scrape back some self respect and grow up!.

Offline ruggedtoast

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Chestrockwell, Im sure you believe that theres nothing wrong with your habit and you have made some attempt at an earnest argument that (until your last post) hadnt degenerated into personal insults like your chums,  however if you go on a medical internet site that is regularly visited  by a  fairly large number of emotionally vulnerable people; some of whom are quite young; and you encourage foolhardy and health damaging drug use for leisure purposes,however indirectly, then Im going put you straight.

I dont really care whether the established steroid users here continue to use steroids or not, as a tax payer and a private insurance premium payer I would prefer that they are made to fund corrective treatment themselves especially as many peoples entirely non steroid inflicted gyne (including mine) is ineligible for help from either venerable institution.

And I did read your post, Im afraid that comparing recreational steroid abuse to the taking of aspirin and paracetamol to relieve pain is as specious as it is irrelevant.

Your third metaphor regarding alcoholism however was interesting, I have had my own experience of substance abuse and experience of people who were users and there is nothing like a drug addict/alcoholic in full denial that sounds so much like the steroid users  whove posted here.

So come along everyone, theres nothing wrong with steroids, they dont do your body  any harm as long as you 'know the risks'; and dont listen to anyone who says they do.

Not much harm no,  except for to cause every steroid user on this site to grow female breasts.

« Last Edit: September 28, 2005, 03:02:04 PM by ruggedtoast »

Offline RRB

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You still have not validated any comments you have made and you are still making yourself look like a complete idiot with your childish behaviour. You still dont see why this thread was started. There are a number of guys posted saying your comment about the steroids was uncalled for, yet you dont acknowledge your arrogance regarding it. So do us all a favour, grow up and just drop it

Offline Yorkshireman

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lol.  Yeah Im shaking in my boots mate. That is priceless. Yeah I better not criticise steroid use any more or YORKSHIREMAN WILL COME AND KILL ME! lmfao!

Ignorant as well as illiterate!!! LMAO!!! You really have proved your credentials can't even understand basic English never mind the side effects of roids!!

Offline chestrockwell

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Chestrockwell, Im sure you believe that theres nothing wrong with your habit and you have made some attempt at an earnest argument that (until your last post) hadnt degenerated into personal insults like your chums,  however if you go on a medical internet site that is regularly visited  by a  fairly large number of emotionally vulnerable people; some of whom are quite young; and you encourage foolhardy and health damaging drug use for leisure purposes,however indirectly, then Im going put you straight.

I dont really care whether the established steroid users here continue to use steroids or not, as a tax payer and a private insurance premium payer I would prefer that they are made to fund corrective treatment themselves especially as many peoples entirely non steroid inflicted gyne (including mine) is ineligible for help from either venerable institution.

And I did read your post, Im afraid that comparing recreational steroid abuse to the taking of aspirin and paracetamol to relieve pain is as specious as it is irrelevant.

Your third metaphor regarding alcoholism however was interesting, I have had my own experience of substance abuse and experience of people who were users and there is nothing like a drug addict/alcoholic in full denial that sounds so much like the steroid users  whove posted here.

So come along everyone, theres nothing wrong with steroids, they dont do your body  any harm as long as you 'know the risks'; and dont listen to anyone who says they do.

Not much harm no,  except for to cause every steroid user on this site to grow female breasts.


.Im sure you believe that theres nothing wrong with your habit

Again you jump straight in dont you, i havent got a habit!, why you may ask?, because steroids are not addictive! they are  derivatives of testosterone the naturaly produced male hormone so you saying my habit is wrong for a start!.

. you have made some attempt at an earnest argument that (until your last post) hadnt degenerated into personal insults like your chums

My last post may have seemed as tho it had degenerated but i was following your lead, as you say that people  who use steroids are stupid!, and you will probabley find that im far from being stupid, but this didnt stop you insulting me when all i wanted was some plain advice about gyno.

. you encourage foolhardy and health damaging drug use for leisure purposes,however indirectly, then Im going put you straight.

If you read again you will find that i never said that i condone the use of steriods!, all i am trying to do is explain that somthing can be used in a safe manner if precautions are taken, you attaked me remember all i am doing is defending my corner.

.  dont really care whether the established steroid users here continue to use steroids or not, as a tax payer and a private insurance premium payer I would prefer that they are made to fund corrective treatment themselves  

I couldnt agree more with this statement, i asked about BUPA because they have a Cosmetic surgury department and the cost of male breast reduction (Gyne), the proceedure is around £4500 so i wanted to know if anybody had any feedback on them, i didnt expect to be insulted, i just thought it was a large amount of cash and wanted to know if they had good feedback!, people have self induced ilnesess from, smoking tabaco, drinking alcohol, taking recreational drugs such as anphetamines, extacy, and yes paracetamol its still self induced!, Car crashes from driving dangerously the list goes on and on but these people get treated without a second thought but as soon as you say steroids every body jumps on there soap box and starts to preach.

. And I did read your post, Im afraid that comparing recreational steroid abuse to the taking of aspirin and paracetamol to relieve pain is as specious as it is irrelevant.

From this i was trying to show you that we are put at risk every day from substances that you think are harmless, i know the risks assosiated with steroids and i take all the necersary precations to make sure that i am safe and will remain safe.

. So come along everyone, theres nothing wrong with steroids, they dont do your body  any harm as long as you 'know the risks'; and dont listen to anyone who says they do.

Again you have forgotten what i said, i said "if a drug is used and the person that is using these drugs doesnt know how to use them safely and doesnt take ancillery drugs to counter side effects they can have some of these side effects" , i never said they are harmless and i dont need to listen to you!, what knowlegde have you got about steroids well apart from the amazing piece that you pasted here!,thats right nadda....nothing... zilch.

. Not much harm no,  except for to cause every steroid user on this site to grow female breasts.

Well thats a coincidense this site is designed primarley for people with gynecomstia, ofcourse every steroid user on here is here because steroids have given them gyne, why else would they come to a gyne site?, your a funny guy, only people that dont use correct ancillary compounds to combat gyne or they are predisposed to getting gyne will get it whilst using steroids or heavy doses of highly aromatisable compounds will cause this.

I bet you drink coffee dont you?, well caffeine is a stimulant (drug) but again its accepted... but it is a killer!.

Here are a few statistics and info showing the mortality rate of every day perfectley safe and accepted compounds (yeah right!).

chemical name:1,3,7-trimethylxanthine; 1,3,7-trimethyl-2,6-dioxopurine; coffeine

Tabaco:The leading causes of death in year 2000 were  (435,000 deaths; 18.1% of total US deaths)

Alcohol deaths: 85,000

poor diet: poor diet and physical inactivity ('365,000 deaths; 15.2%), of us total deaths

heroin: There are between 500,000 and 1 million heroin addicts in the United States

motor vehicle crashes: (43,000) died in year 2000

incidents involving firearms (29,000) died in year 2000

sexual behaviors (20,000), died in year 2000

illicit use of drugs (17,000). died in year 2000

(1996): "Each year, use of NSAIDs (Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs) accounts for an estimated "7,600" deaths and "76,000" hospitalizations in the United States (NSAIDs include aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac, ketoprofen, and tiaprofenic acid.)

Peoples views

”If you look at the hard facts, steroids can be used effectively and safely. Yes, they do pose a risk and can cause many bad side effects. However, the truth remains, responsible steroid use will usually cause no permanent side effects.” — anonymous

”What I fail to understand is why healthy adults are unable to legally purchase things that will allow them to add a few pounds of muscle and feel better about themselves. Alcohol and tobacco yet remain perfectly legal. I am sure no one will argue that those two products have contributed to way more deaths than steroids ever will.” — Mark

”When someone uses anabolics and ignores common sense, then yes there is a heavy price to pay. Just as if someone smokes cigarettes and drinks alcohol (that can be purchased at the corner store) on a daily basis for a few years will end up paying a heavy price.” — Erick

”Forget all that roid rage nonsense, it just isn't factual. Alcohol and cigarettes kill way more than anabolics ever will.” — Marc

”The ephedra scare was another flop by the FDA. Alcohol kills people and it's legal, just like lung cancer-causing cigarettes. But who cares? Nobody. Say the word "steroid" and the MEDIA goes insane. Why is that?”—

Q: Do you have statistics related to the number of deaths and injuries from using steroids?

A: There are no reliable figures relating to the number of deaths and injuries related to the use of anabolic steroids or other performance-enhancing supplements. Prevalence of use data among adolescents found in the Monitoring the Future study has been between 1.5% and 3% historically, with a recent downward trend. In addition, neither the National Survey on Drug Use and Health nor the Drug Abuse Warning Network - both conducted by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration - provide information on steroids.

Well in the light that there are no reliable figures i will have to use the percentages stated here to do a little math.

TOTAL DEATHS in us in year 2000 = 1,197,877

Deaths from alcohol = 85,000
Deaths from Tabaco = 435,000
Deaths from poor diet and physical inactivity 365,000
Deaths from ilicit drug use direct and indirect =17,000
Deaths from steroids = 1.5%of 17,000 = 269 deaths

Even if steroids accounted for 1.5  % of the total death rate of the us in 2000 it would still fall way to the bottom of the scale at 17,000 deaths

I speak facts not hysteria.. and i still do not condone the use of steroids but the facts speak for themselvs, the goverments CONDONE the use of alcohol and tabaco and the sale of junk food and they are the 3 biggest killers in the USA so please dont try and make out im some kind of crazed steroid  pushing dealer that will tell you anything to sell you some gear, i speak facts and from facts this is were i make my decisions, that is why i dont drink alcohol, that is why i eat healthy, that is why i only drink tea and not coffee, that is why i dont do recreational drugs like cocaine ecstacy and so on.

In the UK it isnt an offence to use anabolic/androgenic steroids for your own personal use!, however it is and offence to sell and distribute them!.

Again i will say i dont codone the use of steroids, and i dont condone the use of alcohol, or junk food, or coffee, or smoking.

This is my last post regarding steroids!, im came for gyne information and ive played along at your game for to long, i have given you fact after fact and yet you still ignore them, well thats your choice m8.

If you have any constructive advice regarding gyne (and please dont bring steroids in to the coversation again) it will be welcomed.

Thanks for the advice guys.

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lol.  Yeah Im shaking in my boots mate. That is priceless. Yeah I better not criticise steroid use any more or YORKSHIREMAN WILL COME AND KILL ME! lmfao!

dude, that's one of the funniest posts I've ever read. Better sleep with one eye open  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Offline webster

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Yorkshire - have you had a pint too many of  Theakson's 'Old Peculiar'?

Don't know if it causes gynecomastia but it has given me something like 'roid rage after 6 pints.

Each to his own poison I say.

Peace bros.  Webster.

Offline Yorkshireman

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Yorkshire - have you had a pint too many of  Theakson's 'Old Peculiar'?

Don't know if it causes gynecomastia but it has given me something like 'roid rage after 6 pints.

Each to his own poison I say.

Peace bros.  Webster.

I'm afraid you've lost me there mate! Is there anything I've posted that suggests I have been drinking?.... ???


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