Author Topic: Quick Hello  (Read 1347 times)

Offline prm510

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Long time lurker, first time poster. This site has been extremely useful to read the posts and see the support that is present here. I'm 29 6'1" and 240-243 lbs (weight varies, and my scale is not the best). My gynecomastia journey started at 15- I was still in High School and I was about 160 at the time. I noticed my nice flat chest started to puff out a bit. I thought nothing of it and continued my life.

Fast forward to College- age 21- I was working out like a crazy man and was pretty well ripped (those were the days!), yet this damn slight moobage wouldn't go away and it bugged me but I shook it off. Later that year I was diagnosed with Major Depression and then the SSRI's started... along with increased drinking and partying to "cope" (stupid I know!). As my twenties went by my weight went fluxed a ton- yo-yo style. I went from 190 to 210 back to 190, at my heaviest I was 260 but when that relationship ended with that particular woman, I dropped down to 195 in 3 months without doing a thing. Since then I got married to a wonderful woman who is very supportive of me (thank God), but the Gynecomastia lingers and pisses me off daily. I'm back up in the weight thanks to an anti-depressant I am now getting off of and I am in the process of dropping weight again through exercise and carb control.

Everyday I wake up and see this really portly dude staring back at me in the mirror. Ok, I can live with that for now. But this portly dude has a couple of pecs that are fat and enlarged breast tissue that he loathes. From what two doctors have told me 'It's most likely a mix. They are not a high grade but the more weight you gain the worse it will be. Likewise when you lose the weight they will be more prominent'. So I invested in a ton of Underarmor compression shirts. For right now that's working but once I lose the weight I will re-evaluate them and I hope by that time I will have enough saved for surgery. I can't stand having it, it truly is a curse (especially when your wife insists on grabbing them jokingly). Thanks for listening to my rant, glad to be here and know that I am not alone in this fight!

Offline George Pope, M.D.

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Congratulations on becoming an active part of this forum, previous lurking notwithstanding.  I know you will find a lot of comfort in knowing that a lot of guys here have struggled through the years as you have and have much to share with you.
Sharing your experience is important here, and you sound on your way to getting your problem solved.
Dr. Pope, MD
George H Pope, MD, FACS
Certified - American Board of Plastic Surgery
Orlando Plastic Surgery Center
Phone: 407-857-6261


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I'll 2nd Dr. Pope's welcome to being active on the forum! This is a club that most men would rather not be members of. I'm one of the older men here that has learned over many years to accept my gyne being I've had it from a teen on and now with grandkids don't much care anymore, however, I do support  young men getting surgery if they wish to.

When the time for surgery comes be sure to do your homework and find a well qualified gyne surgeon with plenty of experience. There are many right here that can help you make that conection, such as Dr. Pope, so you came to the right place.

Once again, welcome aboard!


Offline island dude

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One thing you will find, is that you are indeed not alone. Have been reading on the site for a couple of months, and although the options are not many, the information, and attitudes are many and varied. I think it helped quite a bit to know how common the condition is. Welcome aboard .


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