Author Topic: Is this Gyno?? Pictures included...  (Read 3720 times)

Offline JB

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My friend Mark suggested to ask here.  I'm 24yo not overweight but there are fat deposition over the chest area and lower waist. Is this Gyno?? Does this require surgery?
Please help..


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Yes it is gynecomastia, and it would require surgery to get rid of it if you so desire to!

Offline TigerPaws

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My friend Mark suggested to ask here.  I'm 24yo not overweight but there are fat deposition over the chest area and lower waist. Is this Gyno?? Does this require surgery?
Please help..

I am going to say the very same thing I said in another post:

At 24 no amount of dieting and exercise will reduce the size of your breasts, and yes get used to calling them what they are.

What you need to do is to see an Endocrinologist to see if you have an underlying hormonal problem which can be anything from excess Estrogen or something more serious like a Pituitary tumor which is an abnormal growth(s) that develop on your Pituitary Gland.These can produce Prolactin which is the hormone that develops the breast tissue to lactate.

You could even have issues with your Liver which alters the chemistry of hormones. Or it could be something as simple as genetics, meaning that you are naturally predisposed to developing breasts.   

Once you have the results of your blood tests you will have a better idea of how to proceed, be that surgery, hormone (testosterone) injections/patch/topical gels or learning to live with your new assets.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Dieting may reduce the breast size slightly but they would then be more pendulous and even more obvious.  Surgery is the only way to rid yourself of the condition.  
Grandpa Dan

Offline moving_on

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Hey JB, you do have gyno and will need surgery, if you want it gone.  You remind me of myself when I was younger, I stored fat on my torso without much of the fat on my arms and not much muscle. If you workout and lose the weight, you will see a drop in the size of your chest, but it will make the actual gyno more obvious in plain sight (but you'll look better overall and it'll be easier to hide, should you decide that's what you want to do).
I know this, because I had a similar body to you when I was younger (little less tissue on my chest) and got into 5% body fat shape only to realize I had gyno.  I decided to workout to gain muscle to make it less noticeable and hope that the extra muscle would tighten up my chest to keep it from looking saggy. Adding the muscle helped and compression garments help to smooth out your chest. I don't have the pics I took of myself when I was really lean and the gyno that looked like little balls/mounds sitting there.
My story and being post-op 12 months now (w/pics)

Offline Joe340

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My chest looks like yours.  I'm sure now that I have gyno, too.  Know that you are not alone. 

Offline JB

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Thank you guys for reply. I have decided to go for surgery. Doc confirmed it. will be done next month probably. Will update everything here after it.  

Offline moving_on

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Good luck with the surgery. Remember to be patient with the healing process and to contact your surgeon when you have concerns.


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