Author Topic: YOUTUBE VIDEOS  (Read 1941 times)

Offline VICTOR_G

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Do any of you guys have youtube videos tracking your gynecomastia experience? Im starting my channel with every step through my surgery on the 21st of March😨
Look up my channel "Victor Garcia Gynecomastia " my channel should pop up. Give it a look and advice or just talk is more than welcome. Thanks guys  (Victor Garcia Gynecomastia)

Offline TigerPaws

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YouTube and all social media is VERY dangerous to your privacy.

Why Tyrants and Despots Love Social Media if you are or have been on ANY Social Media you have created a file on yourself for any governemnt world wide.

OK, so you say "I have nothing to fear, because I have nothing to hide”.

Well then you are quoting or going along with the Nazi Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels.


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