Author Topic: Afraid of surgery? Don''t be!  (Read 2053 times)

Offline wildcats11

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I'll start off by saying that if you're nervous or afraid of having this procedure done, you have NOTHING to worry about! I've seen it written around here a lot, but I'll repeat it again - the procedure itself is most definitely the easiest part of this journey. The harder part is 1) waiting for the healing process to run its course and 2) waiting to get back in the gym!

I was put under using IV sedation - even if you get queasy at thought of needles like I do, it's really nothing at all. Before I knew it I woke up in the recovery room a little groggy, but felt absolutely no pain at all (they excised glandular tissue on both sides, no lipo needed). It wasn't until later that night that I started to feel a little sore, but nothing that warranted even a Tylenol. I'm now 24 hours post-op, and I feel great! No real trouble with mobility, but still obviously trying to take it easy and rest up. I took a quick peek under my ace wraps - no bruising, minimal swelling. I can already tell the difference, and am confident I'm going to like what I see once I'm fully recovered.

Again, I can't emphasize this enough - if gynecomastia is something that has been bothering you for a long time, get it taken care of! It is truly a liberating experience, and a simple surgery like this shouldn't get in your way.

Offline Paa_Paw

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When I was a boy of 12 in 1949, this kind of surgery was almost unknown and the results were not often good.   It has evolved over time to be common, reliable and safe when done by a qualified surgeon.   Unless a person is a poor candidate for surgery there is very little cause for concern.   T just underwent some lengthy testing to see if it would be safe for me to have surgery on my knees.   Obviously most people of younger age do not have the sort of problems and concerns that I have.
The only real criteria is: how much the condition impacts your life.   
Grandpa Dan


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