Author Topic: Anxious  (Read 2965 times)

Offline Gyno2110

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I've had my surgery scheduled for about a month.   I'm set for the 24th.  It seems like the closer I get to that day the harder it gets and less motivation I have to deal with it.  I can't wait and I hope this is a life changing event and reminder of how precious peace of mind and happiness really is.  

Offline Waterman

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I am with surgery is scheduled for the 29th.....very nervous to go through with the surgery, but too late to turn back now.  Good luck!

Offline Gyno2110

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Thanks, if it gets rid of my self consciousness  about it it'll be all worth it.  Good luck to you also.  

Offline TigerPaws

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Please I am not trying to be a spoiler, just be sure to put your expectations in perspective. What your results might be may not live up to your expectations. Cosmetic surgery cannot fix an issue in-between your ears. what you perceive as an issue may be an issue to you and only you. Disappointment often follows a purely cosmetic surgical procedure because little or nothing changes in your life or your perception of your life.

I assist disabled Veterans, finically and psychologically with the support they do not get from the broken VA system (don’t get me started on them). It all begins with a can do attitude, as the U.S. Marines say “Adapt and Overcome”, if a man is determined to make the best of the hand fate has dealt him then he can be helped, if he feels sorry for himself and that he is less of a man who will be a cripple for the rest of his life, then he will never be anything else.

Just be certain that you are allowing someone to cut holes into your body for the right reasons and to place your expectations into the proper perspective.

Offline Gyno2110

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I appreciate your perspective.  This isn't something I woke up with one day and decided I need to get some sort of cosmetic surgery.  I don't expect or have irrational expectations.  I do know it's something that hinders me and keeps me from being the dad and father I want to be.  Again though you bring up good points that I have processed that past few years.  

Offline TigerPaws

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I appreciate your perspective.  This isn't something I woke up with one day and decided I need to get some sort of cosmetic surgery.  I don't expect or have irrational expectations.  I do know it's something that hinders me and keeps me from being the dad and father I want to be.  Again though you bring up good points that I have processed that past few years.  
All success in your decision, just know that gynecomastia is not what makes a man any less of a man or a dad and father or anything less than he already is. I have assisted many young men who have had limbs blown off recover to be excellent Men, Husbands and Fathers.

A measure of a man is not in what he looks like but who he is, the actions he takes and the decisions he makes.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2016, 03:18:01 PM by TigerPaws »

Offline ajc

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Let me know how everything goes! Im scheduled for March 31st to get lipo and excision. I am 100% fine with the procedure itself i'm am just nervous of the anesthesia experience leading up to it. I will be undergoing general anesthesia. Let me know how your day goes. I cannot express how thankful i am to here the experiences of others on this forum.

Offline Gyno2110

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I've had general anesthesia before.  Don't worry about it because you don't feel a thing.  It's painless and you wake up not even knowing time has passed.   I'm doing mine under local and I'm not sure yet that lipo will be necessary.   So we'll see.  Good luck and I'll keep you posted. 

Offline Gyno2110

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TIGERPAWS...your exactly right.  I have faith that I'm doing the right thing for me. So, time will tell if I made the right decision.

Offline lindtraxx

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Guys i hade surgery today, im at the clinic right now, everything went very well im staying over for the night just for security reasons of my diabetic type 1, i was nervous before but everuthing went so fast , they gave me some pills and a needle in my hand , after that i just remember waking up in my room with a compression vest on, tjey gave me som pain killers and i went to sleep for a couple of hours, feel a bit sore in my cheast now but not so much pain i was expecting

Offline Gyno2110

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Hey gentlemen I had my surgery today and it went fairly smooth.  I did have some discomfort during the surgery while they were administering lipo. But overall it wasn't too bad they did seem to be impressed with my ability to absorb the discomfort (pain).  I can see why doctors rather work under general anesthesia.   I don't think I flinched once.  I'll try to keep my recovery posted.  Have a good holiday.

Offline Atreu69

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My biggest fear was having to deal with the bandages/ compression vest and drains .. i'm 3 days post-op now and i do have a bandage wrap + drains,  and to be honest it's no big deal.  Thursday i'll get these out and move to the vest (and get a chance to see the dr's work).    I took tylenol 3 as prescribed for the 1st few days and stopped today as i really don't have any pain.
in short,  no need to fear,  you should be fine guys!  good luck!

Offline Gyno2110

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I think the whole process is relatively painless. Depending upon the extent of the severity.  I think most if it just requires patience.   I'm about 11 days post op and didn't have drains.  I was back to work 3 days later.  I can see the results in before/ after photos.  Hopefully the next couple months yield the same results.   Good luck!


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