Author Topic: Gyno growth after diet change, did I do permanent damage??  (Read 8054 times)

Offline TigerPaws

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Bummed. The USMC has an excellent motto for just this kind of thing:

"Adapt and Overcome"

Life is full of challenges, you can either accept them and do the best that you can or you can allow them to crush you.

As with anything the choice is yours.

Gyneocomastia is just another challenge in life to be overcome.

Offline Era

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If I ever saw signs of my gyno coming back I would instantly buy some letro and get on that pronto
Why is Gyneocomastia such a dig deal? (Open question to anyone) Is your physical appearance that important? What are you afraid of?

What would happen if you were severely injured, disfigured and or maimed for the rest of your life? How would you deal with such an issue?

To me this post is just utterly stupid my gyno crippled me socially to the point I would either not go anywhere or I would tape up my nipples so they didn't poke through my shirt. I had people tease me saying I had cone breasts all through school. I constantly pinched my nipples on holiday to keep them erect. I could go on forever but just because you might no care so much doesn't mean others don't. Trying to downplay how important looks are in the world is idiotic and its not like people here are getting peck implants we are fixing something that should not be and can't be changed through diet and exercise.


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TigerPaws said:

Bummed. The USMC has an excellent motto for just this kind of thing:

"Adapt and Overcome"
Not sure why you posted this to me. I specifically stated that the potential issues do not apply to me.
Era said:

To me this post is just utterly stupid my gyno crippled me socially to the point I would either not go anywhere or I would tape up my nipples so they didn't poke through my shirt. I had people tease me saying I had cone breasts all through school. I constantly pinched my nipples on holiday to keep them erect. I could go on forever but just because you might no care so much doesn't mean others don't. Trying to downplay how important looks are in the world is idiotic and its not like people here are getting peck implants we are fixing something that should not be and can't be changed through diet and exercise.
I honestly think that someone, who thinks appearance is everything, has a mental problem. Does appearance matter? Sure it does. Is it the total definition of a person? Nope.
I have already stated that I can understand real boobs being an issue, but so many times I see photos of guys who *think* they have gynecomastia, or they have such a minor case that most people would never notice - yet they think their life is over. That is a problem like bulimia and anorexia - they *think* they have a problem.
I have seen some before and after pictures of surgery, and in many cases, the guy is seriously overweight - why do they worry about moobs when they look pregnant?
Seriously, if everyone would stop admiring themselves in the mirror, and stop posing for the perfect selfie (to impress total strangers no less), everyone would be a lot happier.
Bummer and my $0.02

Offline TigerPaws

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If I ever saw signs of my gyno coming back I would instantly buy some letro and get on that pronto
Why is Gyneocomastia such a dig deal? (Open question to anyone) Is your physical appearance that important? What are you afraid of?

What would happen if you were severely injured, disfigured and or maimed for the rest of your life? How would you deal with such an issue?

To me this post is just utterly stupid my gyno crippled me socially to the point I would either not go anywhere or I would tape up my nipples so they didn't poke through my shirt. I had people tease me saying I had cone breasts all through school. I constantly pinched my nipples on holiday to keep them erect. I could go on forever but just because you might no care so much doesn't mean others don't. Trying to downplay how important looks are in the world is idiotic and its not like people here are getting peck implants we are fixing something that should not be and can't be changed through diet and exercise.
Life happens, is what others think and say so important that you are paralyzed with fear or is your self worth and self confidence so low that you can not stand up for yourself?

You have several choices:
1, Learn to live with who and what you are.
2, Attempt to surgically alter yourself into your perceived perfect image.  
3, Complain and complain, whine and cry poor is me, the world is so unfair.
4, Drug yourself into oblivion.
5, Do what 22 American Veterans do every day because of PTSD.

Personally I know what real Gynecomastia is, yet I have and am surviving and I am flourishing, in business, with the Ladies and socially.

As I said before the only people who care about you is your family (hopefully they are supportive) and the person in the mirror. The rest of the world could care less if you live or you die.  

If you firmly believe that some form of cosmetic surgery will improve your lot in life then cut your expenses, save your money and take your chances under a surgeons knife.

You might be happy with the results, you might be disappointed, might be horrified if things go terribly wrong.

Stop complaining about the perceived injustices and cruelness of those around you and society at large, you are not that important.

Offline nobug

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Hey guys, can we get this thread back on track please? Yes, gynecomastia is a big deal to people. Especially if the person is otherwise fit and has breasts. You won't convince people otherwise so it's not even worth it to try. Not all of us are OK with boobs and puffy nipples.

Offline TigerPaws

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Hey guys, can we get this thread back on track please? Yes, gynecomastia is a big deal to people. Especially if the person is otherwise fit and has breasts. You won't convince people otherwise so it's not even worth it to try. Not all of us are OK with boobs and puffy nipples.
Well then save your money and go under a surgeons knife if you believe a cosmetic surgical procedure will improve your lot in life.

If a person cannot afford a cosmetic surgical procedure then complaining will not help his situation, make cuts in expenses, save your money and take your chances, or learn to live with what and who you are.

Everyone's choices are limited. There is no magic to living with breasts.

Suggestions about concealment, clothing choices, various surgical procedures, different surgeons and related medical specialists, questions about success and failure as well as the risks involved as all valid questions, points, answers and opinions. Looking for the reasons for an individuals situation or development is something forums like this excel at, though definitive answers are usually illusive.

The reasons men are driven to forums like is are as varied as their are men and if someone feels the need to tell their story of "Woe is Me" that is acceptable but don't expect anything in return. Sympathy is what is in-between Shit and Syphilis and honestly no one but a person's family cares one way or another.

If I am being harsh that is because life is not and never has been fair. A man can learn to deal with that reality or be crushed by it.


Offline Era

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If I ever saw signs of my gyno coming back I would instantly buy some letro and get on that pronto
Why is Gyneocomastia such a dig deal? (Open question to anyone) Is your physical appearance that important? What are you afraid of?

What would happen if you were severely injured, disfigured and or maimed for the rest of your life? How would you deal with such an issue?

To me this post is just utterly stupid my gyno crippled me socially to the point I would either not go anywhere or I would tape up my nipples so they didn't poke through my shirt. I had people tease me saying I had cone breasts all through school. I constantly pinched my nipples on holiday to keep them erect. I could go on forever but just because you might no care so much doesn't mean others don't. Trying to downplay how important looks are in the world is idiotic and its not like people here are getting peck implants we are fixing something that should not be and can't be changed through diet and exercise.
Life happens, is what others think and say so important that you are paralyzed with fear or is your self worth and self confidence so low that you can not stand up for yourself?

You have several choices:
1, Learn to live with who and what you are.
2, Attempt to surgically alter yourself into your perceived perfect image.  
3, Complain and complain, whine and cry poor is me, the world is so unfair.
4, Drug yourself into oblivion.
5, Do what 22 American Veterans do every day because of PTSD.

Personally I know what real Gynecomastia is, yet I have and am surviving and I am flourishing, in business, with the Ladies and socially.

As I said before the only people who care about you is your family (hopefully they are supportive) and the person in the mirror. The rest of the world could care less if you live or you die.  

If you firmly believe that some form of cosmetic surgery will improve your lot in life then cut your expenses, save your money and take your chances under a surgeons knife.

You might be happy with the results, you might be disappointed, might be horrified if things go terribly wrong.

Stop complaining about the perceived injustices and cruelness of those around you and society at large, you are not that important.

You seem to arrogantly skim read my posts I already had the surgery 2 years ago and couldn't be happier. Basically what your saying is because we don't all have breasts like you we don't have "real" gynecomastia honestly you need to get over yourself. I'm sorry to tell you that not everyone would love life having to wear a bra like you, that doesn't make us less than you and you may think it makes you great to be able to accept it but its a bit weird if you ask me.

Offline TigerPaws

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If I ever saw signs of my gyno coming back I would instantly buy some letro and get on that pronto
Why is Gyneocomastia such a dig deal? (Open question to anyone) Is your physical appearance that important? What are you afraid of?

What would happen if you were severely injured, disfigured and or maimed for the rest of your life? How would you deal with such an issue?

To me this post is just utterly stupid my gyno crippled me socially to the point I would either not go anywhere or I would tape up my nipples so they didn't poke through my shirt. I had people tease me saying I had cone breasts all through school. I constantly pinched my nipples on holiday to keep them erect. I could go on forever but just because you might no care so much doesn't mean others don't. Trying to downplay how important looks are in the world is idiotic and its not like people here are getting peck implants we are fixing something that should not be and can't be changed through diet and exercise.
Life happens, is what others think and say so important that you are paralyzed with fear or is your self worth and self confidence so low that you can not stand up for yourself?

You have several choices:
1, Learn to live with who and what you are.
2, Attempt to surgically alter yourself into your perceived perfect image.  
3, Complain and complain, whine and cry poor is me, the world is so unfair.
4, Drug yourself into oblivion.
5, Do what 22 American Veterans do every day because of PTSD.

Personally I know what real Gynecomastia is, yet I have and am surviving and I am flourishing, in business, with the Ladies and socially.

As I said before the only people who care about you is your family (hopefully they are supportive) and the person in the mirror. The rest of the world could care less if you live or you die.  

If you firmly believe that some form of cosmetic surgery will improve your lot in life then cut your expenses, save your money and take your chances under a surgeons knife.

You might be happy with the results, you might be disappointed, might be horrified if things go terribly wrong.

Stop complaining about the perceived injustices and cruelness of those around you and society at large, you are not that important.

You seem to arrogantly skim read my posts I already had the surgery 2 years ago and couldn't be happier. Basically what your saying is because we don't all have breasts like you we don't have "real" gynecomastia honestly you need to get over yourself. I'm sorry to tell you that not everyone would love life having to wear a bra like you, that doesn't make us less than you and you may think it makes you great to be able to accept it but its a bit weird if you ask me.
But no one ASKED you?

Offline nobug

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If this thread doesn't get back on track I'm going to have to report you. I did not start it as a pity party, I had a valid question and I wanted to document my progress/attempt to fix what I've done. It was a risk I took initially and things didn't go as planned, I figured I'd try to help someone in a similar situation out by posting what I've learned. I would not be OK with wearing a bra and would absolutely get surgery if that was the case. Money is not an issue for me but my mild puffy nipples (at this point in time) are not worth surgery.
If you have something constructive to add related to the original discussion please do, but if you want to start telling people to just love and accept their body when there ARE alternatives and possible solutions please don't. It's no different than an obese person preaching "healthy at every size" and other "you go girl" body positive b.s. No one asked you about your "flourishing" personal life.

Offline TigerPaws

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If this thread doesn't get back on track I'm going to have to report you. I did not start it as a pity party, I had a valid question and I wanted to document my progress/attempt to fix what I've done. It was a risk I took initially and things didn't go as planned, I figured I'd try to help someone in a similar situation out by posting what I've learned. I would not be OK with wearing a bra and would absolutely get surgery if that was the case. Money is not an issue for me but my mild puffy nipples (at this point in time) are not worth surgery.
If you have something constructive to add related to the original discussion please do, but if you want to start telling people to just love and accept their body when there ARE alternatives and possible solutions please don't. It's no different than an obese person preaching "healthy at every size" and other "you go girl" body positive b.s. No one asked you about your "flourishing" personal life.
Please feel free to tell anyone you would like to.

I will continue to voice my (and others) opinion as you my voice your opinion. No one is telling you to be quiet or to go away, no one is trying to silence you.

If you do not like my constructive real world suggestions and experiences than simply do not bother to read them, no one is forcing you to do anything.

Offline nobug

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Dude you are looking for arguments for no reason. I can tell by the tone of your posts and I don't know what you're trying to prove. You should try lowering your estrogen or something.

Offline TigerPaws

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Dude you are looking for arguments for no reason. I can tell by the tone of your posts and I don't know what you're trying to prove. You should try lowering your estrogen or something.
LoL! Maybe it is that time of the month... Oh! That is right I take an injection every 10 days.

Offline Era

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LoL! Maybe it is that time of the month... Oh! That is right I take an injection every 10 days.
seriously no one cares

Offline TigerPaws

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LoL! Maybe it is that time of the month... Oh! That is right I take an injection every 10 days.
seriously no one cares

Well say/suggest something constructive, ask a question but once you do you forfeit you right to complain about the answers and or comments that you do not agree with.


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