Author Topic: Gynecomastia at 36 with no genetic history - please help!  (Read 2434 times)

Offline JRD2107

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I am a 36 year old male and I suspect I have gynecomastia or some form of estrogen build up evident in my chest. I gym frequently and have used anabolic steroids in my earlier years with no decent form of post cycle treatment. However, I was off for a year and then started training again and since then (the past year) have noticed sensitivity in my nipples, which later became small lumps and are now hard larger lumps more prominent in my right nipple than my left one. If I flex my chest I can feel the separation of my muscle to the "breast tissue". I have Googled a lot and finally decided to seek advice. I will also be consulting a doctor soon. How do I treat this without having surgery to remove the tissue as I am afraid of disfigurement or any complications with future training.

Offline DrPensler

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Jay M. Pensler,M.D.
680 North Lake Shore Drive
suite 1125
Chicago,Illinois 60611
(312) 642-7777

Offline JRD2107

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The fatty tissue may not seem as evident as they feel. I naturally have always had a prominent chest but under flex I can feel them. The larger of the two in my right nipple is sore when pressed and runs towards my armpit. People have told me of a product called Nolvadex at 20-40mg/day but that's not something one can simply buy.
« Last Edit: May 18, 2016, 03:25:38 PM by JRD2107 »

Offline JRD2107

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Dr. Pensler?
Are there no other members or doctors who can offer some feedback or advice? I don't want to simply leave it as it has become sensitive and sore if bumped or pressed. Before I go ahead with peer advice on start HCG 5000 ui vials and medicate myself I really would like some assistance and thought this forum was meant for just that?
« Last Edit: May 21, 2016, 10:13:17 AM by JRD2107 »

Offline Dr. Schuster

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It looks like you have moderate gynecomastia. I take your word about having some more tender lumps which of course cannot be seen. It is impossible to tell what extent the anabolic steroids contributed, but I'm sure they didn't help. I do not recommend taking Nolvadex or any other estrogen receptor blocker as the long term efficacy has not been established. In addition it really has not been shown that it significantly decreases the size of the lumps. I do not think it will decrease the amount of additional fat which is also mixed in. I think surgery is the best solution. it should be able to be done predictably and with great results as long as you use a surgeon experienced in gynecomastia surgery. Good luck.
Dr. Schuster
Chief, Division of Plastic Surgery Northwest Hospital
Private practice in Baltimore, Maryland
10807 Falls Road
Lutherville, Maryland 21093

Offline Dr. Cruise

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Hello JRD2107,
The picture is very helpful. Unfortunately, there is no proven non-surgical solution for effectively treating/getting rid of gynecomastia. I would not recommend following the advice of your peers. Seeking the advice of a surgeon who is experienced with gynecomastia is the best way for you to get the answers you are looking for. Gynecomastia surgery has come along way over the past decade. When performed by a skilled surgeon, the outcome is very predictable and is often life changing for many men.

Best of luck, Dr. Cruise
Dr. Cruise
Board Certified Plastic Surgeon
2081 San Joaquin Hills Road
Newport Beach, CA 92660
Before and After Pictures
Types of Gynecomastia

Offline DrPensler

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Based on your photo you definitely have gynecomastia. With the severity of your problem correction will require surgery.Based on the steroid history you should have a significant component of glandular tissue which will necessitate excision surgically.


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