Author Topic: Asymmetry 1.5 years post op - advice  (Read 1840 times)

Offline j86ui

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I had my surgery with Dr Levick 1 and a half years ago.
I am left with some slight asymmetry on the chest, the left hand side (right as you look at the pictures) seems fuller and has a distinct crease/fold when I lean forwards causing a small bulge.
I understand the results are never going to be perfect however I am looking to find out what the reason for this might be.
The bulge is visible through a t-shirt and is soft to touch, it is not pectoral muscle because if I tense I can see the muscle move away from the area, but the bulge remains.
Could this be some scar tissue beneath the surface, an imbalance of fat deposits, or some left over swelling? Would a kenalog shot help disperse whatever is causing the difference on that side.
If anyone has a suggestion or idea as to why I am seeing this difference please reply to this post.
If it helps, I had 11g more gland removed from the right hand side, although this side was bigger pre op.
Feedback would be appreciated.

Offline j86ui

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Picture 1 - Stood up straight

Offline j86ui

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Picture 2 - Leant forward slightly to accentuate the crease


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