Author Topic: [PICS BEFORE AND AFTER] Grade 1 Gyne + Lipo | Puffy Nipples >= 14. Now late 20s.  (Read 6291 times)

Offline ukglos123

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I've had puffy nipples since I was about 13/14.
It's continually bothers me and has prevented me wearing certain clothes, shirts and going swimming for over 12 years now.
I'm at the point where I've booked a consultation with Transform UK next month (Transform Cosmetic Surgery Group).
I went to Harley Medical about 5 years ago but the surgeon wasn't sure he could do anything and said not to waste my money.
Nipples looks 'normal' when pinched/cold (see last pic).
Weight: 82.6 kg / 182.10 lbs | 18.1% fat | BMI 24.7
What do you guys think?
Images can be found here:

Post Op - 1 Week:

Post Op - 4 Years:

« Last Edit: August 25, 2020, 06:42:01 AM by ukglos123 »

Offline Paa_Paw

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The severity of the condition is not in how large the breasts are, but in how much you are bothered by it. 
Yes, a good Cosmetic Surgeon experienced in this type of surgery could minimize that if it bothers you.  A General Surgeon was probably being totally honest about not being able to help you.
Grandpa Dan

Offline ukglos123

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I'm very bothered by it. I've just started having to wear shirts 5 days a week and I constantly worry people are looking.
I know there's a big problem in my head with it but if surgery means that I can finally wear a plain white t-shirt and not worry then it's 100% worth it for me.
My BMI has been about 26/27 for the past 5 years and I've been slimming down recently so it looks better. I know though as I get older it's going to look worse and I don't want to have to worry about it for the rest of my life.
I never thought about a general surgeon saying he couldn't do much because he wasn't a cosmetic surgeon. That makes me feel better as I feared there was no hope.

Offline Paa_Paw

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For the short term, Avoid knit shirts as they reveal the shape more than woven fabrics.  Use plaids and patterns rather than solid colors. Saturated or darker colors seem to be better than pastels and light colors.  Breast pockets on both sides help, especially if you keep them empty. Wearing a snug fitting under garment with a loose fitting outer garment helps too.
I personally do not think your condition is all that bad, but Your opinion is the only one that really matters.

Offline ukglos123

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Saw the surgeon today. Grade 1 Gynecomastia + lipo surgery booked for 2 weeks time :-)

Offline SmokeyNYY

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Good luck.  I wish mine was a grade 1.  It was severe but I went ahead and got the surgery and now look and feel awesome.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Good Luck.   I hope the clothing advice helped in the short term.   Be patient though.  sometimes the post operative swelling appears larger than what you had to begin with.  It sometimes takes a while before you see the true final result.   Healing after the surgery is all up to you, follow your surgeons instructions to the letter and all should go well. 

Offline ukglos123

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Just had my surgery. :)

Taken to surgery about 11:30/12:00. Out by about 14:00. Ate lunch and felt fine. Left hospital about 17:30.

Felt fine in bed but dizzy upon leaving. Then I felt a little sick when I went to eat about 18:15. Pulse reached 140 (Fitbit). No sickness in the end. Felt fine again once up in bed.

Feeling pretty good now (next day) but can feel the bruising setting in. No pain killers so far today though.

Wearing a compression vest. Feels a bit like sportswear fabric. Can't take it off at all for the first week. Have to sleep on my back. Can shower bottom half of my body with a towel covering the top. Just took the compression stockings off 24 hours after.

Have to take one antibiotic tablet twice a day for 3 days. Then painkillers if required on top.

They took out 30g of gland and 50g of fat from the left side. Plus 50g of gland and 50g of fat from the right.

Seeing the nurse in a week to see them for the first time.

Offline ukglos123

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The bruising kicked in after a few days. The vest can get quite uncomfortable but is a necessary evil.
Had the bandages taken off yesterday and can now properly shower.
Here are some pics 1 week post op: :)

Offline Bnevillewood

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Hi - I have exactly the same condition as your before pics. what was the cost for the surgery? Did they remove the gland or just lipo? Thanks

Offline ukglos123

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They removed both gland and did lipo. They took a little too much out of mine I think so if I put my hands in the air there is some concaving but I'm so glad I got it done and that's not really concerning. I'm now, after all this time, going to the gym to try and build up my chest so it will be interesting to see if the concaving lessens.

I paid £3,400 or £3,700, I think, in 2016. I had grade 1. Transform Cosmetics I used. Clinic in Bristol, UK and surgery in London, UK.

As soon as my compression vest came off I just didn't think about them anymore. It was liberating. Reading my previous posts and seeing the pics on the other posts makes me realise how much better I feel today. Attached here are some pics I've taken today:

Offline mickey

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This gynecomastia is more or less the same as mine...pinched/cold gives a more normal appearance.

That is a FANTASTIC result. Just what I want!!! 


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