Author Topic: RE: Doctors  (Read 4264 times)

Offline TooMuchBoob

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Venous insufficiency is not fatal. It can be painful and frustrating but rarely fatal. Pretty much only the way to have true mortality is from formation of deep venous thrombosis which would lead to clot in the lung - pulmonary embolism.

DVTs and PEs are pretty much a sure thing for us older folks with CVI - given enough time with it. I have good blood pressure and per a doctor's advice take an aspirin daily in an attempt to avoid a DVT, but the more time that blood pools in the lower legs, the more chance of a DVT no matter taking an aspirin and getting plenty of exercise.

The actual goal is improvement in symptoms and appearance.

Appearance? ROFL. Yeah, sexy compression hosiery makes a guy's legs look awesome - NOT

The refusals from insurance companies occur because these are expensive procedures- whereas a pair of compression stockings are less than $50.

Stockings are more in the range of $100-$150 and a person needs about 8 pair per year. It doesn't take many years to exceed the cost of the surgery.

I think all patients should be wary of any physician who opts to do surgery first without attempting the conservative options. In fact the best surgeons are the ones who know when not to go for a procedure.

I agree that if a physician went straight to the aggressive treatment, it could be a red flag. However, any patient should be provided ALL the options - aggressive or conservative.

Case selection is most important which also requires the right patient. Many people are simply poor candidates because they either have poor anatomy, other chronic medical issues which complicate the surgery, or are non-compliant and are their own worst enemy.

As I have said, I am in very good health and have breezed through previous surgeries. I come out of anesthesia very rapidly and have no lasting effects. I heal as expected and have not had any complications from any surgery.

This initial debate is because one of you decided to criticize very reasonable advice from a physician and that position is completely flawed.

None of his "advice" was "Do this, and that will get better", it was all "Do this, and things MIGHT improve".

I can spend all my money on lottery tickets and I MIGHT win, but does it make sense to do that? If I knew that by spending all my money on lottery tickets I WOULD win, sure, I would go for it.

Is it uncomfortable to wear compression stockings initially?- yes.

I can get past odd discomfort. My hearing aids were very noticeable and caused some itching until I got used to them, but they are SO worth it, and I don't even notice them anymore.

My issue with compression hosiery is not long term discomfort, it's the fact that they are another thermal layer when during most of the summer, one layer is too much - two is just stupid.

Yesterday, it was about 80 but humid. My son and I went outside and spent 30 minutes putting up some fence. I was totally soaked in sweat and I was only wearing a t-shirt and loose fitting sweat pants. I could not have done it wearing the equivalent of thermal longjohns.

Is venous ablation a cure? NO.

Why is it not a cure if the only reflux is in the GSV and tributaries? I have not seen much reference to reflux in the deep vein system.


Offline TooMuchBoob

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On another note, I know that you are not even thinking of giving up the smoking, but I know that you've heard it all and I'm going to give a little testament myself. 

I know it's not good for me, but it's the one thing I have that gives me some relaxation. I don't do any drugs nor do I drink alcohol, so nicotine is it. Coffee to wake me up and cigs to make it through the day...


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At the VA you will get 4 pair of compression hose every 6 months with zero co-pay at no cost to you!

Offline TooMuchBoob

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At the VA you will get 4 pair of compression hose every 6 months with zero co-pay at no cost to you!

And that's good? Ugh...

I swear doctors get massive kickbacks from the hosiery manufacturers. How else could you get such a captive group of clients?




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At the VA you will get 4 pair of compression hose every 6 months with zero co-pay at no cost to you!

And that's good? Ugh...

I swear doctors get massive kickbacks from the hosiery manufacturers. How else could you get such a captive group of clients?



If you need them yeah that's good! Otherwise the alternative if you want, or need them, you can pay for them out of your pocket! 

Offline TooMuchBoob

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At the VA you will get 4 pair of compression hose every 6 months with zero co-pay at no cost to you!

And that's good? Ugh...

I swear doctors get massive kickbacks from the hosiery manufacturers. How else could you get such a captive group of clients?



If you need them yeah that's good! Otherwise the alternative if you want, or need them, you can pay for them out of your pocket!

Need is a very subjective term.

If they would cure all my symptoms, I would wear them faithfully 6 months of the year and go without them the other 6. However, as I have done plenty of research, I know that would be pointless, as the symptoms would come back with a vengeance as soon as I stopped.

They have ZERO lasting effect, so why would I suffer them half the year for no benefit the other half?

I know you did it (although surgery wasn't an option for you), but I would be somewhere between miserable and suffering heat stroke during any warm weather. I would have to give up all outdoor activities and possibly be unable to perform my job. Giving up all exercise for half the year isn't going to do my health any good.



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As I said, it about choices! 

If you can't get them  (someone) to try the surgery,  and if they did try it, you could still be faced with this as the only option! 

You said on a post that you tried them once, it might make a difference on the kind. The kind that I wear now are soooooooo much better them I used to get when I got them from the insurance company that we had.

Once again it's about choices,  is your glass always going to be half empty? 


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