Author Topic: Random bans with no explanations?  (Read 2265 times)

Offline TMB

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I tried to login one day and was suddenly banned. My main computer was banned via IP address (I'm assuming) because it said Guest was banned. I tried another PC and could actually view the forum, but when attempting to login found my account was banned.

No warnings, no explanations, NOTHING. Shame on whoever runs this site, people should have the chance to correct whatever it is they are doing the offends the owner so much that they institute a total ban on a user - a user that has not trolled or flamed anyone.

This is a first in my nearly 30 years of online communications.


Offline Paa_Paw

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There have been a few times recently when users were banned by me, but none where I did not give an explanation.  At the same time, I am not the only one here with the power to do that. 
Removing material or banning people from the site is not something that any of us like doing, it is not done capriciously.
In the recent past, some material and memberships have been lost due to system malfunctions, But I think that problem has been solved.
Grandpa Dan


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