Author Topic: Fat tissue and testoron=>estrogen convertion  (Read 4114 times)

Offline apex

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I talked to a doctor the other day about my gynecomastia and he told me that my glands might disappear, or lessen, by loosing weight since my overweight made testoteron (male hormone) convert into estrogen.

Have any of you guys ever heard about this? From reading this forum I've always heard that loosing weight will not help reducing your glands.

Offline AngryPuppy

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I know what the doctors means, but...he knows jack about this. Sorry buddy. I am slim and I have gyne. The only ttme i was overweight lasted about 6 months, and it was cuz my gf was out of town and I was left alone with my beer, pot and junk food (yep...I turned into a fat fck! lol)

I talked to a doctor the other day about my gynecomastia and he told me that my glands might disappear, or lessen, by loosing weight since my overweight made testoteron (male hormone) convert into estrogen.

Have any of you guys ever heard about this? From reading this forum I've always heard that loosing weight will not help reducing your glands.

Offline Worrier

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Well I know for a fact that true as opposed to fatty gyne can be caused by being overweight.This is due to the testosterone estrogen theory and my doctor confirmed this. As I have slight excess glandular tissue on one side of my chest that wasn't there before I gained the weight.
I got it from a medication that put an odd amount of fat in one side of my chest.The interesting thing is since I started working out and running my chest does look better although not perfect but I still have some fat to lose.I don;t know if the gland is going but I have made an improvement that is accpetable maybe without needing the surgical option.

Offline Paa_Paw

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The Doctor quoted in the start of this thread is right but he didn't tell the whole story.

While Fat does play a big part in the conversion of testosterone to Estrogen, and weight loss would reduce this conversion, and with correction of the Testosterone/Estrogen ratio the gland tissue would slowly degrade.   What he failed to say was that it would take years,  Lots of years.  He also failed to point out that some fatty deposits in the breast area is normal in men anyhow and that they would remain.  And Oh yeah,  Did he mention the fact that the skin would be left stretched and probably sagging a bit?

I think he told you only what he thought you wanted to hear.
Grandpa Dan

Offline gynosucks1

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plz dont listen to these foolz lol

altering your hormones plays a role on your gyne.  

going from a 20% bodyfat, to a 10% bodyfat will have an impact on your est levels.

thus possibly having an impact on your gyne... since your test/est ratio will be different

the skinny guy saying he has gyne and well he's skinny..


let see him get fat, and i'm sure his gland will get bigger as well.

it most likely wont clear things up for good, but will definatly help

Offline gynosucks1

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plz dont listen to these foolz lol

altering your hormones plays a role on your gyne.  

going from a 20% bodyfat, to a 10% bodyfat will have an impact on your est levels.

thus possibly having an impact on your gyne... since your test/est ratio will be different

the skinny guy saying he has gyne and well he's skinny..


let see him get fat, and i'm sure his gland will get bigger as well.

it most likely wont clear things up for good, but will definatly help

btw, if u ever get a chance to visit bod ybuilding boards..  Their cure to gyne..

get 8% bodyfat, maintain for a year.  i have to ch uckle, but most of them consider this an axiom.  

i'm sure it has never been done in clinical trials.. tehe

but have u ever seen somone with 8% bodyfat have gyne?? i havn't, not in pics, anywhere.

at this level of bodyfat i'm sure ur breast tissue starts going bye bye.

very true with women athletes .. especially track stars with abnormal fat amounts.  Their breasts shrink to almost nothing.

Offline Hypo-is-here

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The aromatase enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen is most readily found in viseral fat in the stomach thighs and buttocks.

If you lose weight, you will convert less testosterone to estrogen, this much is true.

Excess weight can cause the development of glandular as well as none glandular gynecomastia.

Losing the weight will result in a certain reduction in the breast via a loss of the pseudogynecomastia.

However weight loss usually has no significant impact on glandular gynecomastia.

In short;

excess weight can cause both pseudo and glandular gynecomastia, losing weight can usually help reolve the pseudogynecomastia, but not the glandular gynecomastia.

If your gynecomastia is glandular, then your doctor is barking up the wrong tree.

« Last Edit: November 12, 2005, 04:41:03 AM by Hypo-is-here »

Offline dr007

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No matter how much fat you lose, if you have glands they will not disappear.  This is a pic of a pro bodybuiler with very low BF% and you can clearly seen protrusions of his nipples from the gynecomastia behind.

This site also has excellent info especially for those that know very little about gynaecomastia.

Hope this helps someone, it certainly helped me when I was curious why my nipples were "puffy".  Now I know......

« Last Edit: November 14, 2005, 12:47:11 AM by dr007 »


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