Author Topic: Heamotoma with 5cc drainage after the surgery  (Read 1503 times)

Offline Leokuk16

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I had my gynecomatia surgery three weeks back and my surgeon performed a liposuction and gland removal. My left side has healed and has minimal swelling now, however I developed some fluid acccumulation on my right side of chest just above the my nipple towards left (consistently around 5cc drained on second and third week) the surgeon said its heamotoma and I would require a hematoma wash if the fluid level does not go down by 4th week. I do suffer from mild thrombocytopenia due to which my platelet count never goes beyond 120. On the day of the surgery I had a platelet count of 101 and the haematologist gave a go ahead for the operation.

Now my surgeon said in order to perform heamotoma wash he will have to reopen the earlier cuts made under the areola. Experts please guide me as I am confused and scared about my condition and how will it affect my recovery and final results.

Thanks in Advance

Offline Dr. Schuster

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Hematomas are a well known complication but fortunately are relatively infrequent. You platelet count is probably adequate. Going back to the OR is sometimes necessary if here is a very large hematoma and identified immediately after surgery. Otherwise it could be treated with serial aspirations or even using liposuction techniques about 10-14 days later. hematomas will liquefy and become much easier to treat at that time. It will prolong your recovery but as long as the surgeon continue to follow you closely you should do fine.
Dr. Schuster
Chief, Division of Plastic Surgery Northwest Hospital
Private practice in Baltimore, Maryland
10807 Falls Road
Lutherville, Maryland 21093

Offline DrPensler

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    • gynecomastiachicago
If all that is being removed is around 5 ccs I would consider leaving it alone and allowing it to resorb on its own. Perhaps if you have a photo it would help.
Jay M. Pensler,M.D.
680 North Lake Shore Drive
suite 1125
Chicago,Illinois 60611
(312) 642-7777

Offline Litlriki

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    • Dr. Silverman's Website
Generally, small hematomas can be managed with percutaneous aspiration or in some cases observation.  Even in the face of small hematomas, good results can be seen within 2 to 3 months. 
Dr. Silverman, M.D.
Cosmetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
29 Crafts Street
Suite 370
Newton, MA 02458

Certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery


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