Author Topic: What is wrong with my body? Gyno or not??  (Read 3733 times)

Offline gynoman12

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21yo male
20% bodyfat
I never thought of my gyno until i took a picture of my chest and it looked like i have breasts.
Would anyone here be embarrassed to be seen outside barechested like this?

Worst angle tbh


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There is nothing wrong with your body!

Offline gynoman12

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There is nothing wrong with your body!

Are you saying that i don't have gyno or that having gyno is normal? 


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I'm saying you don't have gyno, you are flat chested, don't be spending any money for surgery as you don't need it, buy something else, or save it, invest it so that if someday you actually get gyno you have it for surgery.

Offline Paa_Paw

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Grandpa Dan

Offline HairyKnockers

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First let me say you do NOT look like you have gynecomastia, at least from what I can see from the photos.  You have fairly small areola, not big puffy ones.  You have a very normal, average guy sort of chest.  You could maybe do some weight training and tighten up your chest and stomach some if you wanted to improve your looks a little.  But right now you look like a sort of normal, not really buff sort of guy.  Like I say normal, average, just like most of the population; that is what “average” and “normal” mean.

So to answer your question directly, “What is wrong with my body?” not a darn thing.

Offline gynoman12

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First let me say you do NOT look like you have gynecomastia, at least from what I can see from the photos.  You have fairly small areola, not big puffy ones.  You have a very normal, average guy sort of chest.  You could maybe do some weight training and tighten up your chest and stomach some if you wanted to improve your looks a little.  But right now you look like a sort of normal, not really buff sort of guy.  Like I say normal, average, just like most of the population; that is what “average” and “normal” mean.

So to answer your question directly, “What is wrong with my body?” not a darn thing.

Thanks for your reply. Yeah i don't do any sort of exercise at all and my diet is pretty damn unhealthy. Used to  lift weights when i was young,  thats where i got all them stretchmarks.

I'm going to pick it up and hopefully my chest will look less feminine then.


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First let me say you do NOT look like you have gynecomastia, at least from what I can see from the photos.  You have fairly small areola, not big puffy ones.  You have a very normal, average guy sort of chest.  You could maybe do some weight training and tighten up your chest and stomach some if you wanted to improve your looks a little.  But right now you look like a sort of normal, not really buff sort of guy.  Like I say normal, average, just like most of the population; that is what “average” and “normal” mean.

So to answer your question directly, “What is wrong with my body?” not a darn thing.

Thanks for your reply. Yeah i don't do any sort of exercise at all and my diet is pretty damn unhealthy. Used to  lift weights when i was young,  thats where i got all them stretchmarks.

I'm going to pick it up and hopefully my chest will look less feminine then.

I'm sorry,  but I must say that your chest does not look "feminine"! If it does then a canoe, looks like a battle ship!

Offline HairyKnockers

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Gynoman12, I applaud you for your honesty.  Your perceptions about having a feminine chest may be way off but you are right on the money when you said, “Yeah I don't do any sort of exercise at all and my diet is pretty damn unhealthy.”  Acknowledging that you are the cause of your own problem is huge.  Most people simply don’t have the strength to accept responsibility for their own problems in life.

I think the reason some people come on this site and believe that they have gynecomastia is because it absolves them of any guilt; “It’s not my fault I have a fat chest, I have a disease.”  Well newsflash, gynecomastia doesn’t also give you a fat stomach and butt.  However overeating and lack of exercise does.  Diet pills are very popular because popping a pill is so much easier than reducing what you eat and exercising.  Of course most diet pills don’t really work, but they are easier.


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Gynoman12, I applaud you for your honesty.  Your perceptions about having a feminine chest may be way off but you are right on the money when you said, “Yeah I don't do any sort of exercise at all and my diet is pretty damn unhealthy.”  Acknowledging that you are the cause of your own problem is huge.  Most people simply don’t have the strength to accept responsibility for their own problems in life.

I think the reason some people come on this site and believe that they have gynecomastia is because it absolves them of any guilt; “It’s not my fault I have a fat chest, I have a disease.”  Well newsflash, gynecomastia doesn’t also give you a fat stomach and butt.  However overeating and lack of exercise does.  Diet pills are very popular because popping a pill is so much easier than reducing what you eat and exercising.  Of course most diet pills don’t really work, but they are easier.

Well, said and I do agree!

Offline Alchemist

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In answer to your other question, is gynecomastia normal.  YES.  According to autopsy studies 50% to 70% of men have mammary growth.  Look around you.  "Flat as a board" is what , perhaps 10% of matured men?  In addition to the 50to 70% with gland growth another 10 to 20% have just fat and muscle, 2/3 of the usual package.

Look around you at a mixed age group of men, more than half of men have gynecomastia or the appearance of it.  Do you see it all around you?  Do you care? Almost nobody does. One guy was saying recently that the surgeon did get him "flat as a board" and it looked unnatural.  Why so much anxiety about something the majority develop through their lifetime?  It's a cosmetic issue, not a medical one most times.  Medical causes need medical attention.  Good luck.  Be happy to have the chest you do. 


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