Author Topic: Concerned about nipple placement - 3 days post/op  (Read 1744 times)

Offline Ydaani

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Hi guys,

I am 3 days post op from Gyno surgery with a free nipple graft. I took off the wrap for the first time last night. I really like how my chest looks for the most part. However, the placement of my nipples has me pretty upset. I think he positioned them waaay too low. They aren't where I would think they would go and almost seem like they are on my abdomen instead of on my pectoral muscle where they should be. I know it's tough to tell exactly how they will look when the stitches and gauze come off, but I can't see how they will look normal at all. Am I off base here?

Offline res.Cogitans

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Unfortunately, your surgeon put them very low..
Really low.. 
You must talk with him soon, to know that you are disappointed, so he can schedule after 6 months, position replacement.
The time will make the appearance of your chest even better, but not for your nipples.

Offline Ydaani

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I have my first follow up appointment in a few days. I hope he sees what I do. I'm really surprised that during the surgery he didn't notice how low he was placing them. They aren't even close.

Trying to not be so upset/scared but my whole goal was to look relatively normal again and now I have to continue to hide my chest from people for the foreseeable future.

I hope he can/will correct it.


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