Author Topic: Saw this on snapchat  (Read 1183 times)


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So if you're unfamiliar with snapchat it is a social media platform of photo sharing essentially to friends and whatnot and they also incorporate their own media stories etc for you to see as well...saw this on there today about foods and body and while this is an obvious scenario to see it on someone so thin and have it happen was a wow moment. Obviously foods have hormones and fast food is detrimentally horrible for you and i don't eat it at all but if anyone does eat it often but thinks they are healthy cause they stay thin and are devleoping gynecomastia you may want to check the diet before checking a surgeon out for help

Offline nonini

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That article isnt good, its much more likely that his hormonal changes at that age caused the issue and not fast food. I dont think there is any real evidence that fast food can cause such a condition.
 The increase in people getting the surgery is probably more related to men becoming more self concious than any increase in actual chest growth.

Offline Paa_Paw

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In most cases the cause of gynecomastia remains unknown.  If indeedd this was caused by fast food, did the fast food only impact one side of his body?   Sorry, but I do not buy that.   
Grandpa Dan

Offline HairyKnockers

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Articles like this on internet sites drive me nuts.  While the article is nicely written, it provides absolutely no scientific evidence for its claims.  Who did the study that junk food causes gynecomastia?  Was the study peer reviewed?  I have some experience with academic and scientific studies; most abstracts of those studies include more evidence than that whole article.

You can get on the internet, make any bizarre claim you want and nobody monitors it.  Many news type websites are simply electronic versions of the “National Enquirer”.  How many times have you seen “3 Headed Baby Fathered by Space Alien” on the cover of the “National Enquirer” while standing in the market checkout line?  Okay, maybe I have only seen that one twice—but you get the idea.

The next time you see some wide sweeping statement by any source first ask does it make sense.  Like PaaPaw said, did it only have an effect on one breast?  Consumption of food would be systemic effecting both breasts and even other parts of the body.  That guy looks pretty skinny for eating a ton of French fries.

Lets state something that is scientifically known; most gynecomastia is idiopathic.  Why do some people get it and others don’t, we don’t know for sure.  Why does it go away for most people, we don’t know.  It mostly comes at puberty and older age, it is somewhat genetic, it relates to testosterone being converted to estrogen in some way.   Anything beyond that is a guess.

Sorry for the rant but people swallowing nonsense hook, line and sinker really bugs me.  Think critically when you read something.


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